Kawiilancer: Dark emotions! ^_^ ^_^ _^ ^_^
hi ^_^ my name is tuskia_chan and me and my friends love this game. But we think it colud be so much better and sugoi, so we decided to change ti to be better!!1!1!
We already have a super sugoi team ^^
Tuskia-Chan (thats me nya! ^^) project leader
sashakat_(_ system designer
Kaiku-desu texture artist
ship designer
if you can help it wolud be appreciated! ^^ (only if your serious though >>)
we arleady have cool features, with more planned, take a look at how sugoi it is!
-over 20 kawaii new ships added
-a veriety of great new systemes based on the best anime!
-custom Jutsu guns!
-special missions where famous anime characters help you!
-new skin for trent
-improved textures for old ships!
-new music!
-new feature: special kawaii moves!check out the attached pictures for offical fanart/concept art!
konichiwa, im the textur artest fr this SUGOI MOD!1!11! i hope I can help out with any reeqeusts for texutrs
… Are you serious?
=Alex= wrote:
… Are you serious?whyyyyy? we r only makin this betta xD?
^_^ oki we r jokin a bit, but mod needs humor right? ?
… ROFL!!!
Found this thread’s theme song:
Theme Song -
Omicron wrote:
… ROFL!!!Found this thread’s theme song:
Theme SongI wuz thinkin more like this
enjoy i am not supposed to release tis
Omicron beat me to it…
beat him to what ???
I quite like this
Good luck with the mod, even if you are joking somewhat, Id fecking get some lulz out of such a mod
this mod needs a sub clause
-_- not off to a good start this thread is (lol yoda)
Anyways i’m sashakat (except I don’t have a catface, cuz (o_o) )
i’m the system designer so I’m in charge of most of the system designing ^-^. right now were working on the naruto systems
i dont like it very much myself (sasugay lol!) but people like it enough that we had to put it in first
systems are gonna be 3d so theres an extra axis and so far its mostly stations and junkfields! screenshots will come once its finished =^.^=
oh wait thats a catface -
if this mod is really going to be released, that’ll truly be an innovation, don’t you think so? an anime based mod, this is unique for now. no matter whether it is worthy of mentioning at the end.
thats why we did it in the first place ^_^
It sounds pretty cool Oo good luck with that mod ;]
Totaly 100% lovin this idea…
Bit nuts… but then so is most anime, Brilliant! i tip my hat to you sir’s (or madams… hard to tell these days… lolz)
Good luck! An anime mod will be hard to pull off in FL so if you do then I have a feeling it will be popular with the younger players.
Hahaha, nice. I’d like to see this!
This is total madness! Which is perhaps what is required to differentiate yourself from all the other mods out there. Get your freak on!
BTW… i take it you folks are from asia?
Im in AUS… if you ever need a hand with your “crazy”… just throw something southward… this project intrigues the hell outa me… I’d like to know more…
Keep us informed 'eh
Needs more pics and concept art tbh