How to make a Roid Miner dockable?
Is it hard to add docking mounts etc. to the Roid_Miner archetype? There seems to be a dockable version in SolarArch.ini but it doesn’t work (type = STATION, docking_sphere lines etc.)
I suppose this could best be done by using the XML project files, rather than the UTF editor.
What other archetype can I use best as a template to copy the necessary lines from?
Btw I don’t need a docking animation; just approaching and then the next moment on deck would be fine.
I just remember: I have have a morning fixture modified by Argh that acts like a very small base. He made it to enable mooring, I think, but I used it to stuff into things that weren’t dockable (like the industrials, space_habitats etc) which I then would make child to the fixture. Worked great
Here’s mine:-
nickname = Roid_Miner2
ids_name = 261159
ids_info = 66140
type = STATION
DA_archetype = Ships\utility\mining\mining.cmp
material_library = ships\utility\utility_ships.mat
material_library = fx\envmapbasic.mat
envmap_material = envmapbasic
LODranges = 0, 750, 1300, 2000, 12000
mass = 10000
solar_radius = 350
shape_name = NNM_SM_MINING
docking_sphere = moor_medium, HpDockMountA, 20
docking_sphere = jump, HpDockMountB, 500
hit_pts = 999999961690316250000000000000000000You don’t need to modify the vanilla mining.cmp model.
my Br04.ini:-
nickname = Br04_Stokes_miner_1
ids_name = 460088
pos = 70111, 9, -16236
archetype = Roid_Miner2
reputation = br_m_grp
base = br_m_niobium_miner1
dock_with = br_m_niobium_miner1
difficulty_level = 7
loadout = ge_miner_co_01
pilot = pilot_solar_easy
behavior = NOTHING
ids_info = 491773my br_m_niobium_miner1.ini:-
nickname = br_m_niobium_miner1
start_room = Deck
nickname = Deck
file = Universe\Systems\MINERS\Rooms\Asteroid_miner.inimy Asteroid_miner.ini:-
set_script = Scripts\Bases\Li_07_bar_hardpoint_01.thn
scene = all, ambient, Scripts\Bases\Li_07_bar_ambi_int_01.thn
ambient = ambience_deck_space_larger
name = Camera_0
behavior = ExitDoor
room_switch = Deck
behavior = VirtualRoom
room_switch = Trader
behavior = StartDealer
state_read = 2
state_send = 1
virtual_room = Traderand my mbases.ini:-
nickname = br_m_niobium_miner1
local_faction = br_m_grp
diff = 13
msg_id_prefix = gcs_refer_base_AstMiner_base
num_offers = 0, 0
faction = br_m_grp
weight = 10
faction = gd_im_grp
weight = 10
nickname = Deck
character_density = 1(I decided not to populate them - they a working ship, self-service!)
and my Universe.ini:-
nickname = br_m_niobium_miner1
system = Br04
strid_name = 460088
file = Universe\Systems\miners\br_m_niobium_miner1.ini
BGCS_base_run_by = W02bF06I decided to let all the niobium miners use the same rooms etc. instead of making a unique one for each miner. Gas miners use a different room.
StarTrader wrote:
You don’t need to modify the vanilla mining.cmp model.
But in my game it is not dockable :-?
(And I do use the roid_miner2 entry)
Btw Argh’s fixture does not work too. I guess he also hacked some behaviour. In previous mods I used his toolkit as a basis, so that’s probably why I got it working this way.
StarTrader wrote:
docking_sphere = moor_medium, HpDockMountA, 20
docking_sphere = jump, HpDockMountB, 500Hmmm, these lines are different in my SolarArch.ini…. Maybe they are the key!
Yep, it’s working now!! Very buggy, but that’s of the typos I prolly made coz of the eagerness of trying it out.
StarTrader - Thanks a million!!
Actually I never delved into these docking_sphere lines… I prolly should, but it didn’t occur to me DA/MS would have messed them up, or whatever.
Now I gotta debug and then fix all the robot traders
I’ve got the Argh-enhanced docking_fixture working too. Which is awesome
Gibbon wrote:
Grab one from my Phoenix mod, i made all the miners dockable in that, has everything you needDude, I had totally missed this! Thanksalot for the offer!!
I’ll keep it in mind (but will of course never borrow something without asking or telling - although I do have various tweaks and hacks by others, some of which I wouldn’t know anymore who did them).
Moonhead wrote:
StarTrader wrote:
docking_sphere = moor_medium, HpDockMountA, 20
docking_sphere = jump, HpDockMountB, 500Hmmm, these lines are different in my SolarArch.ini…. Maybe they are the key!
Yep, it’s working now!! Very buggy, but that’s of the typos I prolly made coz of the eagerness of trying it out.
StarTrader - Thanks a million!!
Actually I never delved into these docking_sphere lines… I prolly should, but it didn’t occur to me DA/MS would have messed them up, or whatever.
Now I gotta debug and then fix all the robot traders
Eh? I’m confused. The miner has the hardpoints (minus the launch/dock cam afaik), and every object you dock with has the dock sphere lines…
So what did you have in your files? I’m confused as you never posted up what you had for starters
(I know it’s solved, but apparently DA/MS messed something up!).
Chips wrote:
Eh? I’m confused. The miner has the hardpoints (minus the launch/dock cam afaik), and every object you dock with has the dock sphere lines…
So what did you have in your files? I’m confused as you never posted up what you had for starters
(I know it’s solved, but apparently DA/MS messed something up!).
I had these lines:
docking_sphere = moor_medium, HpDockMountA, 5
docking_sphere = moor_large, HpDockMountB, 5.000000and, after going thru StarTrader’s entries, changed them to
docking_sphere = moor_medium, HpDockMountA, 20
docking_sphere = jump, HpDockMountB, 500No idea how they came in my SolarArch.ini files… My mod project is quite extensive, and I abandoned it a few years, and from several things I do not recall how they came to be.
EDIT: the first set of lines can be found in the FLSDKs 1.3 and 1.5 too. So that’s where I got them.
Moonhead wrote:
Chips wrote:
Eh? I’m confused. The miner has the hardpoints (minus the launch/dock cam afaik), and every object you dock with has the dock sphere lines…
So what did you have in your files? I’m confused as you never posted up what you had for starters
(I know it’s solved, but apparently DA/MS messed something up!).
I had these lines:
docking_sphere = moor_medium, HpDockMountA, 5
docking_sphere = moor_large, HpDockMountB, 5.000000and, after going thru StarTrader’s entries, changed them to
docking_sphere = moor_medium, HpDockMountA, 20
docking_sphere = jump, HpDockMountB, 500No idea how they came in my SolarArch.ini files… My mod project is quite extensive, and I abandoned it a few years, and from several things I do not recall how they came to be.
EDIT: the first set of lines can be found in the FLSDKs 1.3 and 1.5 too. So that’s where I got them.
Player ships could never dock at moors, so if you were trying a ship with CAN_USE_BERTH (or whatever the line is) then that may have been a clue
nah, if you make a moor hardpoint to jump or a ship to have mission property of can_use_[moor type] its only a workaround. with the moor type you cannot dock in MP and with the jump on moor hardpoints, all of the fighter and freighter npc’s start using moors. adoxa offered us a solution: you jump after mooring while the moor stays inaccessible to berth users.
I too was used to ships being able to dock anywhere. I knew it once was an issue, but Argh found a way to get around it. In my previous FL modding epoch I was building upon Argh’s toolkit, so got accustomed to it. Then I disabandoned FL for some years, and now I regularly run into things that are half-forgotten, and sometimes I have to find out how it’s working in my own mod (which is partly based on Argh).
That’s why I overlooked the whole moor/berth issue.
Anyway, Gisteron, are you saying that the docking_sphere = jump, HpDockMountB, 500 line still won’t work in MP?
If so, should I just copy some “berth” lines from a small station, like the depot? Or maybe the whole block of dock lines?
I can and will try myself, but it’s a good thing this is discussed in public (with the WikilLeaks thing going on and all
docking_sphere = jump <param2, param3=“”>does work in MP. but it causes everything to tend docking on the sphere rather than any berth or moor hardpoint.
on the other hand, if you define your capship to use moors, then you cannot dock with a moor type docking_sphere in MP. as said, the jump sphere is a workaround. moors.dll in contrast does only change that a player’s ship with a moor type mission property can not only moor to a point in MP but will be jumped to the base, like if it were a jump sphere. the difference is - a ship with can_use_berths still cannot make use of the moor points but only of the berths. with a jump sphere any ship can dock. sometimes that’s too much.</param2,> -
jump works fine in MP
It just doesn’t offer restrictions
Sometimes you don’t want certain ships docking - hence why moors were always desirable.
The other problem was un-docking and getting stuck… depending upon where you launch from of course.
I’ve heard about the moor.dll by Adoxa, it was always one of my wishes (moors worked as long as you had the moor property, and pressed esc in docking cinematic. If you wait til the end of the cinematic, you got stuck) to see it work properly, so if it does now - awesome. I haven’t tried it out yet
The idea of using other types than Berths was due to Victor iirc - especially Jump, and it went back to 2003
But the point wasn’t all this, the point was why your initial attempts didn’t work. If you had the moors.dll work around, then what happened? I was just wondering if you’d forgotten to change the type is all
Gibbon wrote:
Grab one from my Phoenix mod, i made all the miners dockable in that, has everything you needLooking at your mod now. I see you made an extra docking point, and use
docking_sphere = berth, HpDockMountA, 15
docking_sphere = berth, HpDockMountB, 15
docking_sphere = moor_medium, HpDockMountC, 2.500000Very neat! I think I’ll indeed grab one
Thanksalot man!!
Funny how these young kids think they just discovered everything now, and others didn’t find anything before.
StarTrader wrote:
Funny how these young kids think they just discovered everything now, and others didn’t find anything before.:? You are referring to…?
I’m not claiming that I just discovered anything, except the solution someone else found before me.
Besides, but this is relatively unimportant, I’m not a young kid.