Factions List
This was originally posted on another community website along time back. The original author is unknown. Please feel free to list any errors or changes that need making seperately.
fc_ln_grp = Corrupt Liberty Navy
li_n_grp = Liberty Navy
li_lsf_grp = Liberty Security Force
li_p_grp = Liberty Police, Inc.
br_n_grp = Bretonia Armed Forces
br_p_grp = Bretonia Police
fc_kn_grp = Corrupt Kusari Naval Forces
ku_n_grp = Kusari Naval Forces
ku_p_grp = Kusari State Police
rh_n_grp = Rheinland Military
fc_rn_grp = Corrupt Rheinland Military
rh_p_grp = Rheinland Police
co_shi_grp = Samura Industries
co_khc_grp = Daumann Heavy Construction
co_kt_grp = Kishiro Technologies
br_m_grp = BMM
co_me_grp = Deep Space Engineering
co_be_grp = Border World Exports
co_rs_grp = Republican Shipping
co_vr_grp = Ageira Technologies
co_gts_grp = Galactic Trading Service
rh_m_grp = Kruger Minerals
co_ti_grp = Planetform, Inc.
co_ic_grp = Interspace Commerce
co_ss_grp = Universal Shipping
co_hsp_grp = Cryer Pharmaceuticals
co_alg_grp = ALG Waste Disposal
co_os_grp = Orbital Spa and Cruise
co_nws_grp = Gateway Shipping
fc_c_grp = Corsairs
fc_ou_grp = Outcasts
fc_rh_grp = Red Hessians
fc_bd_grp = Blood Dragons
fc_j_grp = Junkers
fc_h_grp = Hogosha
fc_m_grp = Mollys
fc_x_grp = Xenos
fc_b_grp = Bundschuh
fc_g_grp = Gaians
fc_lh_grp = Lane Hackers
fc_u_grp = Unioners
fc_gc_grp = Golden Crysanthemums
fc_lwb_grp = LWB
fc_fa_grp = Farmers Alliance
fc_lr_grp = Liberty Rogues
fc_or_grp = The Order
gd_gm_grp = Gas Miners Guild
fc_n_grp = Nomads
gd_im_grp = Independent Miners Guild
gd_z_grp = Zoners
gd_bh_grp = Bounty Hunters Guild
fc_ouk_grp = Kress’s Men
fc_uk_grp = <no name=“”>*
fc_f_grp = Fugitive
fc_q_grp = Quintaine’s Men</no> -
sorry to bump this after soo long, but after doing a lil php with empathy.ini and the list in this thread, I only found one faction not listed… co_ni_grp
In addition, faction co_gts_grp is not even listed in empathy.ini… does that mean you are always neutral with Galactic Trading Service?
Well, I guess so, because the faction doesn’t even exist, unless it’s a rename.
Heres a list i use:
li_n_grp = Liberty Navy
li_lsf_grp = Liberty Security Force
li_p_grp = Liberty Police
br_n_grp = Bretonia Armed Forces
br_p_grp = Bretonia Police
ku_n_grp = Kusari Naval Forces
ku_p_grp = Kusari State Police
rh_n_grp = Rheinland Military
rh_p_grp = Rheinland Police
co_alg_grp = ALG Waste Disposal
co_be_grp = Border World Exports
br_m_grp = BMM
co_nws_grp = Gateway Shipping
co_hsp_grp = Cryer Pharmaceuticals
co_ic_grp = Interspace Commerce
co_khc_grp = Daumann Heavy Construction
co_kt_grp = Kishiro Technologies
rh_m_grp = Kruger Minerals
co_me_grp = Deep Space Engineering
co_ni_grp = Synth Foods Inc.
fc_fa_grp = Farmers Alliance
fc_g_grp = Gaians
fc_lwb_grp = LWB
co_os_grp = Orbital Spa and Cruise
co_rs_grp = Republican Shipping
co_shi_grp = Samura Industries
co_ss_grp = Universal Shipping
co_ti_grp = Planetform, Inc.
co_vr_grp = Ageira Technolgies
fc_bd_grp = Blood Dragons
fc_b_grp = Bundschuh
fc_c_grp = Corsairs
fc_gc_grp = Golden Chrysanthemums
fc_h_grp = Hogosha
fc_j_grp = Junkers
fc_lh_grp = Lane Hackers
fc_lr_grp = Liberty Rogues
fc_m_grp = Mollys
fc_ou_grp = Outcasts
fc_rh_grp = Red Hessians
fc_or_grp = The Order
fc_u_grp = Unioners
fc_x_grp = Xenos
gd_gm_grp = Gas Miners Guild
fc_uk_grp = (Blank)
fc_n_grp = Nomads
fc_ln_grp = Liberty Navy (Story line group)
fc_kn_grp = Kusari Navy (Story line group)
fc_rn_grp = Rheinland Military (Story line group)
fc_ouk_grp = Kress’s Men
fc_q_grp = Quintaine’s Men
fc_f_grp = Farmers Alliance
gd_im_grp = Independent Miners Guild
gd_z_grp = Zoners
gd_bh_grp = Bounty Hunters Guild -
Fun trivia: The nicknames of some factions don’t match their current names because they were renamed during the development process. This is why Ageira Technologies is co_vr_grp and not, say, co_at_grp; their original name was Valhalla Research. Likewise, Deep Space Engineering was Monument Engineering, Synth Foods, Inc. was NutraForm, Inc., Cryer Pharmaceuticals was Hauser-Scott Biopharmaceuticals and Universal Shipping was Sirius Shipping. Don’t know whether we have information on non-Liberty factions.
Yeah, that was random, carry on