Some Unique Cruise Engine Modding
I’m no programmer and I pretty much stick to models and textures, but I’m wanting to see if the following things would be possible to mod in regards to the cruise engines in-game:
In addition to the cruise charge time, specify an actual cruise time, after which cruise will de-activate. On top of this, a cruise countdown clock that shows how long you have left in cruise. Also, a value for a “cooldown” time during which cruise cannot be activated.
Or, you guys can just let me know that I’ve jumped off the deep end and have no idea what I’m talking about.
I think it would be possible, not sure if clientside would be possible but definitely with FLHook. The AntiCheat plugin can already shut off your cruise if you’re going too fast, so I think it would be possible to make it have a countdown timer like the Cloak plugin.
wouldn’t be simplier than the animations trigger hook, which needs to be client- and server-side. guess, an easier way is making the engine charge energy resources while in cruise and use adoxa’s plugin to stop cruise once energy reaches zero.
the cooldown problem however would not be solved. even with minimal energy the player would be able to cruise again. -
Well my overall goal is to shift Cruise from being an “engine” function to being a “reactor” function. That said, “cruise” would be like running your reactor at ‘critical’ for a short time in order to get the absolute maximum power output for specific functions such as long-distance travel or battles requiring heavy use of energy weapons.
With the above said, using your power level to control the duration of cruise couldn’t really be an option since ‘cruise’ would actually be dumping more power into the reserves rather than using it up. I was just hoping that there might be a way to tell Freelancer that after a set time to shut cruise off and possibly also tell the game not to allow cruise to activate again until a certain time has passed.
Also, is it possible to allow weapons to fire in cruise?
Ne ways… what about the possibilty of having FLHook auto-trigger cruise disruption. This would work for a cruise count-down as cruise disrupt has a timed disruption countdown during which you cannot re-initiate cruise. This should also not affect server performance as cruise disruption is handled client-side only?
Just a thought… Hopefully this has solved my own problem lol.