Tagra without background
Thanks for the info
I thought that would be the case, as .dds works everywhere else in FL… just wasn’t 100% sure
Kinda having the same trouble, but mine won’t save as tga only dds, anyone wanna see if the can fix?
As a effect, it shows up as a white box in game. (the whole thing)
how many bits did you save it as?
PolarBear wrote:
Wasn’t it Transferecy channal?
I’m just new to Photoshop, can someone explain it please?
Thanks.Alpha Channel generally just makes images transparent. This is especially apparent if you try to erase the background of an image without adding an alpha channel first, as it just becomes white.
imagine the alpha channel to be a channel like the red, green and blue channels. the darker an area is in the alpha map, the more transparent it appears in the end. a white alpha pixel would make the texture appear completely opacitive at that very pixel and black completely transparent. in photoshop the alpha map is called “mask”.
no. what you need to do is to draw a mask over your image. the places on the mask, where you want your image to be more transparent, shall be darker. if i recall right there is an option to turn the resulting mask to a fourth channel, the alpha channel. somehow this way i was designing my first entirely custom front_freelancerlogo.tga as seen in the main menu.