Interface Editing
Just thought I’d post what ive been doing to the HUD, New shapes are awesome!! =D
click to enlarge! beware sorta big lol
Currently Running into some wierd problems with the hud_target / hud_shipinfo and associated files at the moment… but hopefully it will be sorted soon
These are bo no means going to be used they were quick 5 minute edits lol… I have something alot cooler looking in mind
Just thought I’d share some shiny =]
Awesome work, Cheesy! Look forward to seeing what you can do with this
i still can’t get the trick of importing it to ms3d
but yea, nice stuff. thought of maybe converting the whole interface to something more like… well… “LCARS” - just like my computer already -
lol, I plan on releasing everything that has been found out / I’ve found to everyone at some point, its fairly interesting the HUD… the more I look into it, however, the more i find how shocking DA were at doing it… XD
YAY! got the first of the new designs in game!!
Those look AWESOME!!
Awesome work!
Seen my share of “new” UI’s over the years but this is the shizzile
The size doesn’t matter as long it is good. Started the download now and will see for myself.
The goal here isn’t to do just a reskin. This is merely the first step.
yes, imo, too, it is very, very important, to make it with sense. the FL interface is designed for the purpose it serves. there is nothing too much but still enough to look of everything to look good. a balanced interface sometimes really influences the gameplay and attracts more people than it might detract.
i agree, ive actually been put off mods because of new starting screens and interfaces (i wont say which)… i will say that this is a good one tho, great work cheese on toast.
Hum, i will try to change all button to a rectangle like X3, the old buttom looks …. uglily…
Just curious, did you actually slog through all those half-3dbs / half-cmps and piece them together by hand? If so, my hat’s off to you, that was way more work than I was prepared to endure.
Mini_Me wrote:
Just curious, did you actually slog through all those half-3dbs / half-cmps and piece them together by hand? If so, my hat’s off to you, that was way more work than I was prepared to endure.the 3db’s are pretty much only used for displaying the textures for buttons, they pretty much only reference a single square mesh.
The CMP’s are the core of the interface, and yeah… I lack the ability to do a mass convert of the cmp’s to make them editable in milkshape lol, So yeah… I think it took almost two days to convert over a period of a week and im not even done converting them all lol, started working on what Ive already converted.
would you offer us editable versions of the vanilla interface cmp’s one day? would be another step on our way to ensure the game’s survival for some more years.
Gisteron wrote:
would you offer us editable versions of the vanilla interface cmp’s one day? would be another step on our way to ensure the game’s survival for some more years.Of course Thats what I plan to do
Awesome work Toast, :). I look forward to trying out your editable files.