Bob's problems with a new ship. (Now a texture issue!)
Okay, so I thought I would go ahead and try adding Kuze’s CAV to Pitts, and everything seemed fine and dandy, of course until I got to Pitts. That is, I CTD immediately upon docking.
Trying to troubleshoot something when I barely know how to do it in the first place is like trying to cut a metal girder with a spoon, so I figured I’d come to those in the know.
It’s likely something very silly I’ve overlooked, something I’ve missed, or something I just simply didn’t do right.
I was following Drizzt’s complete ship creation guide doobit, but skipped everything up to the ini editing part. Ship was hardpointed in HardCMP (I’m pretty sure I did it right)
Here’s my FLMM script;
Everything is appending correctly.
The cmp, mat and tga are all in ships/CAV and are all called CAV.
CMP is attatched, in case that’s the issue, though I really don’t think that would crash the game on docking.
I’m pretty sure it’s just my newbishness to this entire thing that’s doing it, so hopefully I can learn from the solution.
Thanks for your time! -
Worked it out.
Cookie if you find it.EDIT: Okay, now the thing appears untextured and crashes when I go to buy it.
<data file=“data\ships\shiparch.ini” method=“append”><source>
ids_name = 0
ids_info = 66567
ids_info1 = 0
ids_info2 = 66608
ids_info3 = 66569
ship_class = 1
nickname = li_elite</data>while
<data file=“data\equipment\goods.ini” method=“append”><source>
nickname = CAV_hull
category = shiphull
ship = CAV
price = 1
ids_name = 12003
item_icon = Equipment\models\commodities\nn_icons\li_elite.3db</data>I would strongly advise only using normal power plants/engines etc and keeping a ships “package” as engine/power/scanner until you’ve launched it the first time.
Then go back and add other stuff - as in the event something is wrong it narrows down the list of potential issues. If still wish issues, you can remove all hardpoint declarations in the shiparch (un-necessary at first) too.p.s. I have NO clue as to what it is when you “worked it out” - state what the issue you “worked out” was so people don’t find the same issue and stop looking!!! I’ve no idea if I’ve spotted what you did - and so I stopped looking at that point.
I also have no idea about cmp’s etc, so meh. -
Yeah, you’re right, sorry.
But that was it.Also, putting normal engine and plant fixed the crash. Thanks!
I’ve still got no texture, though.
Bobthemanofsteel wrote:
Yeah, you’re right, sorry.
But that was it.Also, putting normal engine and plant fixed the crash. Thanks!
I’ve still got no texture, though.
Well, it’s a start. The reason your power plant and engine crashed was this:
addon = CAV_engine_01, internal, 1
addon = CAV_power01, internal, 1You’ve actually nicknamed them:
<data file=“data\equipment\engine_equip.ini” method=“append”><source>
nickname = CAV_engine</data>and
<data file=“data\equipment\misc_equip.ini” method=“append”><source>
nickname = CAV_power</data> -
Gah, right.
Stupid mistake, thanks Chips.And Kuze, I wish I could answer that question xD
It was my first time hardpointing ever, so I can only hope I did it right.But should the hardpoints have any correlation to the textures at all?
Is your .mat filename the same as the .cmp filename? It should be, also the .sur filename should be the same, and all should be in the same folder. Actually you can have the .mat file in another folder but I put them together if there is only 1 ship using these textures.
You must name the .mat and .cmp paths and filenames in shiparch.ini - but not the .sur, this is automatically looked for in the .cmp file’s folder.
DA_archetype = SHIPS\LIBERTY\li_elite\li_elite.cmp
material_library = SHIPS\LIBERTY\li_elite\li_elite.mator
DA_archetype = SHIPS\LIBERTY\li_elite\li_elite.cmp
material_library = SHIPS\LIBERTY\li_playerships.matIf you changed material names in the .cmp file then you should export a new .mat file to be correct otherwise the textures will not be found.
If everything is OK, the cause of the blank (white) ship has been the detail resolution slider being too low in the game Options.
It all checks out ST. There doesn’t appear to be a .sur file though. :S
I have discovered the wonders of the spew;WARNING:General:create_texture: D3DERR_INVALIDCALL WARNING:General:load_tga_mips: cav_hull01.tga: failed to create texture! WARNING:General:load_tga_mips: cav_hull01.tga: mip invalid! WARNING:General:failed to load ‘cav_hull01.tga’ WARNING:General:create_texture: D3DERR_INVALIDCALL WARNING:General:load_tga_mips: cav_hull02.tga: failed to create texture! WARNING:General:load_tga_mips: cav_hull02.tga: mip invalid! WARNING:General:failed to load ‘cav_hull02.tga’ WARNING:General:create_texture: D3DERR_INVALIDCALL WARNING:General:load_tga_mips: cav_hull03.tga: failed to create texture! WARNING:General:load_tga_mips: cav_hull03.tga: mip invalid! WARNING:General:failed to load ‘cav_hull03.tga’ WARNING:General:create_texture: D3DERR_INVALIDCALL WARNING:General:load_tga_mips: cav_hull04.tga: failed to create texture! WARNING:General:load_tga_mips: cav_hull04.tga: mip invalid! WARNING:General:failed to load ‘cav_hull04.tga’ WARNING:General:create_texture: D3DERR_INVALIDCALL WARNING:General:load_tga_mips: cav_grill.tga: failed to create texture! WARNING:General:load_tga_mips: cav_grill.tga: mip invalid! WARNING:General:failed to load ‘cav_grill.tga’ WARNING:General:create_texture: D3DERR_INVALIDCALL WARNING:General:load_tga_mips: cav_light.tga: failed to create texture! WARNING:General:load_tga_mips: cav_light.tga: mip invalid! WARNING:General:failed to load ‘cav_light.tga’
I have the feeling this means the .mat is borked?
Post up your .cmp and.mat and let’s see if we can help spot it.
Ya. That’s a .mat problem.
Here’s the whole folder.
(Attached)EDIT: It occurs to me, unless my hardpointing broke t somehow… I haven’t edited the mat at all, so t could be an issue with Kuze’s upload of it.
Yep, it’s fine in HardCMP, I agree.
Apparently not in game, though.Oh right, I was gonna test one of the other ones, one that others had used already.
.cmp checks out.
.mat checks out.
(by checks out I mean naming is correct)Texture don’t check out. I was unable to both open them as a .dds or a .tga in adobe CS4. After exporting via .cmp importer I was unable to import back into milkshape…this is odd because they work both in hardcmp and UTFEditor.
Did you do any editing to the textures?
As mentioned, no, I did’t do anything but hardpoint the cmp.
I just tried the merchantman freighter from the same pack, and it worked fine, no problems at all.
Kuze, is there a possibility the mat you created got corrupted somehow before upload?
I realise it’s not a huge priority, but I’m a big fan of the CAV and was planning to use it for FL10K (Was checking it out before I approached you for permission