Why dont you post news?
I see posting news is job of the staff.
You know, actually I think a large part of the FL community is visiting us or is at least reached by word-of-mouth originating from here. The part I dont understand is that everybody is always crying about how their community/mod/server dies, yet they cannot even be bothered to write a front news page over here?
This is the question I’d like to get an answer to. -
I just submitted a server news article, not sure if it worked. This may be why you have no news being submitted.
After submission it just goes to a whitescreen with nothing on it (Firefox 4.0).
When submitting a link for a jpg, if you hit preview you not only don’t see the picture but the link disappears.
If you browse to the jpg on your computer, there is not button to upload it. Again, hitting preview makes this disappear and still no picture.So, check to see if any of it got to you.
Odd. It definitely didn’t work. I use firefox as well and have never had any issues. Can you PM your news to see if I have the same problem?
Seems it wasnt only me who had the problem with the submitting news feature. I had the same problem with the white page. What is strange as it doesnt say the submission didnt worked. So i waited to see what happens
Sure it would be good to inform the admins - but if it would be something to bother i am sure you would have been receiving requests on this already.
w0dk4 wrote:
You know, actually I think a large part of the FL community is visiting us or is at least reached by word-of-mouth originating from here. The part I dont understand is that everybody is always crying about how their community/mod/server dies, yet they cannot even be bothered to write a front news page over here?
This is the question I’d like to get an answer to.What news do you expect to be posted? If there is something happening on the server? About events on the server?
I expect to get news about modding progress over here. Eventually new eye candy stuff or get to know about problems that appearing when modding. Thats the reason i visit this place. And therefore its a good resource. You can be proud of this - generally because i guess that the reason other visitors are hitting up this site as well
That your frontpage gets a lot of hits must not mean its by regular visitors - does it? Bots and crawlers are contributing to this too.Next to that there are mostly own modding or server homepages for each project. People will most likely visit the original homepage. Sure it could attract more the wider the infos are spread - but then again i am asking what news about servers are player relevant? Are the efforts worth in the end
Your site is a Freelancer “only” site thats the title saying. And i dont expect to read news here about other games - because I have other sites where i can take these kind of news from.
Furthermore i dont expect that (in my case) someone is interested whats happening on Crossfire (besides the other minor differences between our both communities). Imo. -
Speaking on behalf of Broken Bonds, it’s because we don’t have anything newsworthy yet. We’ll definitely submit some news when we have something to submit, though.
What exactly would make something mod-related “newsworthy” in the eyes of the Starport administration team?
Kazinsal wrote:
Speaking on behalf of Broken Bonds, it’s because we don’t have anything newsworthy yet. We’ll definitely submit some news when we have something to submit, though.What exactly would make something mod-related “newsworthy” in the eyes of the Starport administration team?
Maybe TSP need a journalist
Kazinsal wrote:
Speaking on behalf of Broken Bonds, it’s because we don’t have anything newsworthy yet. We’ll definitely submit some news when we have something to submit, though.What exactly would make something mod-related “newsworthy” in the eyes of the Starport administration team?
Anything to show regarding the mod, whether this be new models, systems, features, something of that sort. I’d recommend it being longer than a sentence or two, though.
Pictures or videos are also a nice feature.
I submitted a minor news. Hm. Couldn’t you increase the max characters maybe?
Huor wrote:
What news do you expect to be posted? If there is something happening on the server? About events on the server?
I expect to get news about modding progress over here. Eventually new eye candy stuff or get to know about problems that appearing when modding. Thats the reason i visit this place. And therefore its a good resource. You can be proud of this - generally because i guess that the reason other visitors are hitting up this site as well
That your frontpage gets a lot of hits must not mean its by regular visitors - does it? Bots and crawlers are contributing to this too.Your site is a Freelancer “only” site thats the title saying. And i dont expect to read news here about other games - because I have other sites where i can take these kind of news from.
Furthermore i dont expect that (in my case) someone is interested whats happening on Crossfire (besides the other minor differences between our both communities). Imo.Well, obviously news like “Clan XYZ has formed on server A” are kind of uninteresting, but things like new versions, modding progress, major server events, interesting news about new space sims, etc… can all be posted on the front page.
I edited the front news and the post (post first, then news entry) and it seems the forums thread isn’t shown anymore @ latest posts.
Bas wrote:
I edited the front news and the post (post first, then news entry) and it seems the forums thread isn’t shown anymore @ latest posts./info
You only need to edit the news, the post is automatically updated. And it still shows on the latest posts section for me.
For me too now again. Don’t ask me why.
I updated the news entry again and the thread isn’t shown @ LP again.
Suggestion to TSP staff - give availability for admins or server players to post news about Events on differents servers
<nice picture=“”>Capture The Flag event on the server XYZ at GMT+n
Welcome!</nice> -
Anybody can post news on the front page, so I’m not sure what you mean Helloween.
FriendlyFire wrote:
Anybody can post news on the front page, so I’m not sure what you mean Helloween.Ah, I read W0dk4s thoughts but not the message )