Dev's Limit Breaking 101 Techniques
Jipp… the hack works !
Thx again for your help folks. Was very confused about that issue…Have a wonderful day everybody
Is it possible to disable the update “Rank” by the money/ship/equipment, in MP? -
So, I want to increase the amount of characters one can put into the chat box. Currently (default) it’s at 80 characters.
I find this in the wiki:
50b freelancer.exe 06A440 M0tah maximum number of characters in chat input boxThe default entry at that offset is 50 which obviously doesn’t mean “50” as I can enter 80 characters in the chatbox now.
How does this work? And If I wanted to increase that number, how high could I go, and what would I change the offset to to get there?
Because it’s in freelancer.exe I’m assuming it’s a clientside thing? Am I incorrect in that assumption?
R -
robocop, 50b is a hexadecimal value. Use calculator to see that 50 in hex exactly equals 80 in decimal.
Got it.
What’s the maximum amount you can change it to? Also 127, or is there no real limit?R
255 (FF), I guess. -
Tried 160, didn’t work.
Tried 125, that did work.
I’m assuming that 127 is the maximum. -
I’m able to send messages of 127 characters in length in system, private, and group chat.
I can’t do it using universe chat (/u). I’m assuming something in FLServer.exe has to be changed in order for that to work.
Anyone have any idea what?R
127 is max, the Underverse has been using both hacks since they came out.
/u is FLAC, no hack for that yet. (I assume you still use FLAC)
2A01 --> 0000 freelancer.exe 0EC288 adoxa show aiming lead on all ships
Added to Wiki here
Guys, as a newcomer I first have to thank you for this guide, very nice work!
I have 2 questions I would appreciate answers to:
From I used the “quadruple existing LODranges” tweak. I would love to try out further increases (6x, 8x etc.) but I cannot figure out the structure of the numbers involved. Can you give me any hints regarding that?Another one is something that would be nice to have. On this link I found a discussion about a freelook functionality that was in the beta. It would be extremely awesome to have but I found no mods or addons that enable this, maybe it’s hidden somewhere in the exe? Do you know anything about such a feature?
freelancer.exe 002309 909090909090->D80D4B1A4700C3 = LODranges * 1.5 freelancer.exe 002309 909090909090->D80DB4555D00C3 = LODranges * 2 freelancer.exe 002309 909090909090->D80D284F5D00C3 = LODranges * 3 freelancer.exe 002309 909090909090->D80D9CFC5C00C3 = LODranges * 4 freelancer.exe 002309 909090909090->D80D64845D00C3 = LODranges * 5 freelancer.exe 002309 909090909090->D80D084F5D00C3 = LODranges * 6 freelancer.exe 002309 909090909090->D80D50885D00C3 = LODranges * 7 freelancer.exe 002309 909090909090->D80D54234400C3 = LODranges * 8 freelancer.exe 002389 83FE087D16->E87BFFFFFF = increase LODranges by one of above ```The numbers here are pointers to floating point values; the previous numbers were the code for the instruction to add a number to itself (so doing it once doubles and twice quadruples). I stopped at 8, because 9 doesn't exist, although slightly more mucking about will make it work. 8 is probably big enough, though. As for a freelook, [Turret Zoom]( is probably the best you're going to get.
Wow, thanks very much, I’ll try this
Awesome hacking!
I’ll try turret zoom, although it’s not really what I was looking for. What I had in mind was something like when you are in mouse flight mode the camera would turn with the cursor to some extent so it would mimic the head movement of the pilot as they look at the point they are turning towards. I understand hacking this into a game that doesn’t support it would be near impossible
Anyway, thanks, and that’s a really nice mod collection you have on your site btw.
Hmm interesting, at address 002309 I have 51 50 E8 B4 FF FF as data, not 909090909090. I’m wondering if any place in the file where there is 909090909090 would be a good choice?
No, that wouldn’t work at all…
Make sure your version of the files is correct. If they reference says 1.0, that’s the vanilla install of the game. If they say 1.1, that’s with the microsoft update applied.
Most of the edits require the 1.1 update.
Hmm interesting I thought the MS update doesn’t change the exe and that’s what is being edited in this particular one. Am I wrong?
You’re right… It’s flserver.exe that I was thinking of.
and yes, at 0x2309 I have the same data there that you do.R
It depends which version of Freelancer.exe you have - the original is protected, so it could be anything; there’s a NoCD that is the decrypted version of the original, which is what you have; then there’s the re-release version which was never protected, which is what I use (2.2 meg instead of 3). The bytes you see are just junk left over from the decryption process, so it’s safe to write there.
starworld wrote:
Is it possible to disable the update “Rank” by the money/ship/equipment, in MP?adoxa wrote:
Content.dll, 0A94D4, 04->39, disable money-based rank
Really genius, thx - will be very intresting to check it