Freelancer Mod Development Studio
Hello all, been a while since i have been here.
I am getting back to work on my FLMod Studio.
Freelancer Mod Development Studio is a project to create a all inclusive development application for the development of Mods for Microsoft Freelancer including easy to use wizards for adding ships, weapons, factions, star bases and more, 3d system editor, code editor for ini and thn files with syntax highlighting, code collapse, and auto completion (coming soon), cmp editor for editing and adding hard points to freelancer models and much more.
A Few Screenshots from the Current Version
Faction Editor: Editor - Ini Files: Editor Thn Files: Editor - Split View: System Editor:–----------------------------------
I am also looking for a couple people interested in helping develop the application.
there is currently 2 parts to the project:
The Mod Studio itself, and a custom version of the Starchart project.
if you interested in helping out you should be familiar with C# programming and have Visual Studio 2010 installed in order to develop and code the application.
Post here your interest, pm me, or contact me via email at: roland ‘at’ rolanddynamics ‘dot’ com
i am currently working on setting up a private bitbucket repository for the project which means a means that an additional 4 people whom join the team will have svn access.
It is done this way because of certain commercial components that the application uses.
I am also in progress of setting up a website for the application as well and will post a url to it when it is ready for public viewing.
The problem is a cmp file to distribute and the Cordinate in thn register.So one would corbuild01.cmp distributed in the editor and output in thn.
room = corbuild01,solar\city_scape\corbuild01.cmpCityscape.Thn
entity_name = “corbuild01”
type = COMPOUND,
template_name = “corbuild01”
lt_grp = 9,
srt_grp = 0,
usr_flg = 0,- flags = LIT_DYNAMIC LIT_AMBIENT,
spatialprops = {
pos = {
-790,<<< front and back
-675,<<< up and down
0 <<< left and right
orient = {
userprops = {
category = “Room”
That would be cool.Many have problems with thn
So this is in C# probably.
I might be able to help, it depends on what kind of work you need done.
No there is no download available yet. Getting there, but still allot of work to do.
Yes C# from top to bottom.
Developer Requirements:
Visual Studio 2010
Windows Vista/7 x32 or x64
Microsoft Freelancer
Microsoft .Net Framework Version 4.0 +
Microsoft XNA Framework 4.0––
I am in need of people to help extend the API’s (custom builds of the FL API, FL Parser, and Starchart)
I have a good start on extending them (the base classes for markets, factions, ect … has been added in but need completion)
Right now i am working on getting the wizards completed for adding ships, weapons, bases, ect … and getting the intellisense working correctly.
there are other areas needing work as well. This may sound like a small thing but one item that needs addressing ASAP is have multiple paths for mod editing (path to mod folder, and path to FL install) so that at runtime the two paths act as one if you know what i mean. With out actually having to ‘active’ the mod prior to development. This should not be too hard but with my focus currently set on other areas it is not something i have addressed at any depth yet.
so if you are interested in helping develop the app, send me a pm with areas that your interested in working on. I am gonna get the bitbucket rep up and running sometime over the next few days. So if you do not have a bitbucket account go ahead and set one up and pm your bitbucket account name so i can add you into the project. It is a private repo with public forks disabled.
NeXoSE wrote:
So……Where is the download link?The render engine is better than FL itself by the way LOL.
Though there is still much room for improvementIt’s the same as in my Starchart project (see here)
You can download Starchart here
@JWalker: I’d like to help (again), but I’ve got a lot going on real life, so maybe in 2-3 weeks
Hey matey
good to see you are still around. Yeah i understand the Busy RL issue, i too am quite busy. In the midst of moving, plus i have a couple other software apps i need to get done (these ones are commercial apps)
Hit me up on MSN when you get some free time so we can work out some details.
Wow. If you can get this working well, I’d love it. FLE is the bane of my existence, and being able to do a good chunk of the modding work in one place would make me a very happy man.