Jump in effect
Another area which I believe is either hardcoded or undiscovered yet. Here goes: there is a jump_in and jump_out effect. Jump out effect is triggered when player disappears into wormhole and jump in effect when player exits the jumpgate and arrives into the system.
I’ve made some custom effects for both of these and wanted to see how it would look in mutliplayer. So i fired up dual multiplayer (FLHack, thx adoxa) and sent one player trough the jump gate, while I used the other player to observe. The jump out effect worked and it looked briliantly for all player, however it’s totaly opposite with jump_in effect. When player arrives trough the jump gate, only the player who flew trough JG sees the jump_in effect - for other players the effect isn’t triggered at all. I’ve tried to mess around with pbubble values and priority in effect_types, even restored the original tradelanesplash effect, but no success.
Any ideas how to activate effect for all players?
Try to disable all other jump effects except jump_in
Adoxa is hibernating
Try to double effect:
jump_out_effect = jump_out_effect
jump_in_effect = jump_in_effect
jump_done_effect_player = jump_in_effect
jump_done_effect_nonplayer = jump_in_effector
jump_out_effect = jump_out_effect
jump_done_effect_player = jump_in_effect
jump_done_effect_nonplayer = jump_in_effect -
Hey Helloween, I’ve already seen your post in unused features and tried it. The jump_done_effect_player adds another effect after jump_in effect so you can have 2 effects, but it still doesn’t work for other players.
jump_done_effect_nonplayer has no effect since no NPC ever come trough gate.