New Character in Disco 4.86
Got a problem that’s bugging the crap out of me.
I got my server up and running but when you create a new character you are in a staflier on Pennsylvania (which is fine) with a Freelancer ID, (Which is not fine). I want my new players to start as a civilian. I’m running Discovery 4.86 update 3. I went and changed the mpnewplayer.fl (after making a backup copy for safety, of course) and then I added the following below all the visited data
ship_archetype = ge_fighter equip = ge_gf1_engine_01 equip = shield01_mark01_lf, HpShield01 equip = ge_fighter_power01 equip = ge_s_scanner_01 \\\equip = dsy_license_freelancer\\\ equip = ge_s_thruster_01, HpThruster01 equip = co_gun01_mark02, HpWeapon01 equip = co_gun01_mark02, HpWeapon02 equip = co_gun01_mark03, HpWeapon03 equip = LargeWhiteSpecial, HpHeadlight equip = SlowSmallOrange, HpRunningLight01 equip = SlowSmallOrange, HpRunningLight02 equip = SlowSmallOrange, HpRunningLight05 equip = contrail01, HpContrail01 equip = contrail01, HpContrail02 equip = DockingLightRedSmall, HpDockLight01 equip = DockingLightRedSmall, HpDockLight02 cargo = ge_s_battery_01, 10 cargo = ge_s_repair_01, 10 cargo = commodity_introduction, 1 cargo = commodity_serverrules, 1 cargo = commodity_history, 1 ;%%PACKAGE%%
And there is no \'s around the equip = dsy_license_freelancer. That’s just to draw your attention there.
It still gives me a freelancer ID even though dsy_license_freelancer translates to the civilian ID. For a freelancer ID you need dsy_license_civilian. I tried putting the dsy_license_freelancer in and still got a Freelancer ID.
Anyone have any ideas what is going on?
Not going to be offensive, but you might better ask at the discovery forums about this one. It’s their mod, they most likely know it better than most of us.
Apart of that, you might get the attention from a disco modder here, but chances at discoverygc might be higher.Also, don’t forget you are working with a beta version:
“Some confusion was caused by the way the release was done on the official community forums; it wasn’t made clear that this was, in fact, a beta, instead of a full release. When Cannon was asked about this he promised that the person responsible for the oversight would be shot. 4.86 will remain in beta for 2-3 weeks.” -
Discovery people lurk here all of the time including myself.
We have a general policy of sending people to the the-starport to share modding and server administrator knowledge and this is probably why he’s asking here.
I admit, in this particularly case, the answer is actually mod specific. In the latest releases the infocards for all of the generic IDs (civilian, trader, merc, freelancer, etc) have been renamed “Freelancer ID”. This is why when you change the loadout, nothing appears to happen.
It is possible to edit a small number infocards on the server. These changes will be sent to clients when they connect to your server.
To do this see the dsacesrv.cfg file. You need to be using the dsacesrv.dll.
You can edit the infocards for any item. Note that dsy_license_pf01 to dsy_license_pf20 are reserved for player factions and are possibly the easiest to edit but anything can be edited.
To edit an infocard you need to know its IDS number. Find either FLInfocardIE or FLDev or search in the DATA\EQUIPMENT ini files for entries starting with dsy_license_ and look for ids_info and ids_name.
Once you have the IDS number of the item you want to edit, add a line to the bottom of the dsacesrv.cfg file in the form:
<ids number=“”>= <new infocard=“” text=“”>The infocard text may have to be in Freelancer xml markup. Look at other infocards for an example of this.
You’ll probably also want to edit the techcompat.cfg to adjust the ID-powerplant recharge rates. There are lots of values to play with.
ALL of the source code for this stuff will be available soon - although some of the anticheat stuff is only available to people I know. and the rest</new></ids>
Yeah, posted on the gc forums. Got back the same answer. They’ve been renamed to Freelancer. Although it seems strange the the item viewer in DSAccountManager still lists dsy_license_freelancer as a civilian. Also shows a dsy_license_civilian is a Freelancer that has a maximum cargo limitation of 3500, but it’s 3600, in game.
Yeah, I know about the ID strings section of dsacesrv.cfg. I’ve modified several. As for the techcompat, I don’t use that on my server. I just deleted all the factions and set the no_control_item to 1.0. Without an ID, they can’t tractor anyway and I’ll take care of rules violations when it comes up. Wish there was a way to make it where you couldn’t launch without a tractor. I know you can’t launch without a scanner. I’ve tried that. “Can’t launch without a radar”.
Also, I don’t understand why on ‘Power drain on cruise’ it wouldn’t begin to recharge when the engine is killed. But if you’re above rated speed with engine killed, it won’t recharge until you’re back within rated engine speed. For that reason, I’ve disabled the ‘Power drain on cruise’ as well.