Need help on what i can & can not do on Freelancer Mod Studio
It takes some digging to find it!
I’d stick with FL Mod Studio as FLE will change a lot of files you might not want modified, as to copying bases from another system the “new” base needs to be renamed along with the rooms
and a new entry in the universe.ini
(DATA/UNINVERSE/universe.ini) in this format
nickname = Li01_01_Base
system = Li01
strid_name = 196766
file = Universe\Systems\Li01\Bases\Li01_01_Base.ini
BGCS_base_run_by = W02bF35CK256
I agree with CK, Mod Studio is a less invasive program and the 3D viewer is pretty damn good.
As rsabatino and CK said, it sounds like you’re missing a universe.ini [BASE] entry for your base. Also not having [BaseGood] entries for your base in the market_commodities.ini, market_misc.ini and market_ships.ini (from Data\Equipment folder) can cause problems.
Have a look at the game structure in the link below it should give you a guide as to which files do what and how they are linked.
I reckon to mod successfully you should have a working knowledge of what happens in the game,
If you understand the game structure FLE can be used and produce great results really quickly but most modders just jump right in and start adding and changing stuff with sometimes disastrous results (been there done that……;))
You might be better using DwnUndr’s TCM starter pack as a start point, it’s intended for total conversion mods so it has all the unused data removed. The initial set up is just three basic systems and a few bases which is ideal for trying out you changes and additions on.
thx for all ya guys help i’ve found that Freelancer Explorer works to what i need but still using Freelancer Mod Studio for some things now i’ve come across a little problem trying get this ShipScripter to work right it seems to stuff up on the scriping of the ids_name, info, info1, 2 & 3 with this 0 ;GENERATESTRRES i’ve notest & sorry for the crap spelling but anyways i’ve look on a scrip file of someones elsers work & they have the ids_ name & so on as the numbers not this 0 ;GENERATESTRRES where or how do ya get the ids munbers from? is it like add any number in or it takes munbers from other things in the game thats not geting used? & also had some crap come up in the scrip that only way it would load as the scrip not the moded it self had 2 delete it out & i’m wondering if there a bug in it or something how to fix this & here is what doesn’t seem right
camera_offset = ?
&4APA8BH@YÀ?lCockpitmeshint_brightnesshead_turnCockpitCameraTurretCameratetheryaw_rotate_speedpitch_rotate_speedaccel_speedcockpits\rheinland\models\rh_freighter_cockpit.cmpas i said it seems 2 happen all the time so yeah need help on that thx:)
I’ve never used scripts for names or info cards so I can’t help there but I have used FL Dev it’s an excellent replacement for IDS editor
If you look in the EXE folder there’s several files with .dll file type, strangely enough infocards are in the infocards.dll
but you need to use FL Dev to read, create and edit them.
You can either create a new .dll file for you mod or add to the existing dll’s
I’d put together a bit of tutorial on FL Dev a while so I’ve uploaded it, still needs a bit of work but it should be enough to get you started.
Would like to avoid FLMM to generate .dll aswell.
As I looked, adoxa’s FRC is what has to be perfect tool to convert manually plain.txt to a dll.As I understand, than all 0 ;GEN… numbers that was created before has to be manually replaced with new ones?
Still not figured out how its used, by explanation is so powerfull, but simple tut how to create 2-3 names / Infcoradas in a dll would be great.
Must still sum up is it worth and how much work is ahead before I start.
can anyone plz redo the FLDev_1.1d.7z file in to a ZIP file as i can’t unzip 7z files thx
& sorry 4got to say b4 that what it is that script is for a ship
Heaving problems with infocards.dll to load on Win7 after making it with FRC and using InfoCards_blank.dll.
FLSpew log:
ERROR: Couldn’t load InfoCards.dll! Error code 487
[EDIT]* SOLVED! Adding the -c parameter makes .dll readable with loosing the version number!
Again sorry 4 disturbance! -
.7z ->