A few suggestions / silly complaints ;)
#1 logging of user commands
It seems, user commands going to the plugins (like /cloak)
are not logged.#2 resolving of player ID in the logs
Especially with the admin commands like ‘.kill$ 5’
it would be nice to know, who was the ID=5 here.#3 showing hidden restarts to the admins
Currently it seems, those hidden restarts are shown to nobody
(refering to the playercntrl - plugin).#4 own file for ‘.beam’ targets and IP bans
would make the setup more comfortable and keep the FlHook.ini clearer.
Also it would be nice, if you could block certain targets.
We now have a ‘Bw01_01_Base’. But - say - Baxter Research Station
4 example is also a beam target not to underestimate.#5 splitting those all in one plugins
Now there are quite a bunch of plugins around it, might make sense
(no idea, if using plugins with duplicate functions will cause problems or maybe lag),
if you had the chance, to - say - use the ‘/pimpship’ function of the playercontrol - plugin,
without getting restarts, banners, spin protection, reputation functions, purchase restrictions ……Additional it might support further development of plugins,
by others, if those are less complex.And please don’t get me wrong: I really love the playercontrol plugin
and the FlHook plugin version is a cool thing providing lot of fun.
But better is the eternal enemy of good.