[Old] Donation Appreciation Thread
Cpt_Rei_Fukai wrote:
My mod would not have been possible without your tools and your information. I got much further than I originally anticipated and created/modified more than I thought was possible for me.And when I didn’t know why it doesn’t work, the answer was already here, you just had to search for it.
So yes, I and I think many others still care for this site.
Thank you guys again, you earned itPS: I’m still working on some wiki articles to write down what I learned, so stay tuned.
Thanks, great to hear.
Also, thanks to Jefferson001 for the generous donation!
Worth every €
Keep being here and I’ll keep paying my way.
(Sardonic joke. Jefferson001 asks “What’s the price for a lifetime membership?” W0dk4 answers, “Your lifetime? A dollar and a half.”
Still laughing at Paypal’s cell phone app sending out .XX instead of XX.00. Finding out their conversion rate was messed up too. Someone’s job hunting after that last update!
Like I said, keep the change.
Your very welcome!
The site might be “old” but the “new” sites
are pains in the butt. -
Sorry it took so long guy.
Really glad the site was around to
to get my models to the community
when I did. My eyes are too bad to
model very well anymore. So as long
as I’m around I’ll lend my support. -
You are welcome
You’re Welcome.
I’ve not been around much. Life downfalls, deaths in the family, estates to settle and life in general.
The donations keep coming, looks like it’s that time of the year again
Thanks for an anonymous donation and also thanks again for the continued support, F!R!
Again, if you want to be recognized, please include a message in your donation and tell me your TSP account name
When I did the last donation, I didn’t get a line to put my name, that might be why they are generally anonymous, but seems like mine it was already linked to the one I made long time ago ^^