Freelancer Full-HD (download on first page)
Hrimthur wrote:
…. turn off the FLSpew.txt, maybe i find the way to do this also :)…Forgot who 1st came up with this:
; EMAURER these four should remain as set.
;log = fl-client-errors.log, 65540 ; create file and alert all asserts
;log = fl-client-errors.log, -1 ; create file and alert all errors (SEV_ERROR=1)
;log = fl-client-errors.log, 0 ; create file but alert no errors, cuts down on wasted write times with D3D ~fox; EMAURER comment out lines below to vary the amount of output spew.
;; log = fl-client-errors.log, 65536 ; 65536 means ‘don’t care’ about kind value.
; 5 refers to TRACE_LEVEL_5. means report all messages
; with severity of 5 or less. lower the number, more severe
; the message. WARNINGS are at level 2. reduce for less spew.;; log = fl-client-errors.log, ‘R’ ; Render Pipeline
;; log = fl-client-errors.log, ‘n’ ; SERVER.DLL
;; log = fl-client-errors.log, ‘w’ ; minor general problems
;; log = fl-client-errors.log, ‘I’ ; incoming packet transmission
;; log = fl-client-errors.log, ‘O’ ; outgoing packet transmission
;; log = fl-client-errors.log, ‘i’ ; instance creation related messages (mass, MOI, equip)
;; log = fl-client-errors.log, ‘r’ ; significant attitude/reputation events (show results of AdjustAttitude calls)
;; log = fl-client-errors.log, ‘a’ ; detailed info regarding loading/unloading of archetypes.
;; log = fl-client-errors.log, ‘c’ ; report server-side events sent to contollers
;; log = fl-client-errors.log, ‘m’ ; mission-generated messages
;; log = fl-client-errors.log, ‘s’ ; log second thread activity
;; log = fl-client-errors.log, ‘f’ ; report file opens/closes
;; log = fl-client-errors.log, ‘e’ ; explosion/fuse messages
;; log = fl-client-errors.log, ‘d’ ; damage messages
;; log = fl-client-errors.log, ‘A’ ; reload console command messages
…If you activate logging, you ll get a file named fl-client-errors.log
in your freelancer\exe directory instead of the flspew.
robocop wrote:
I have to say, it’s absolutely beautiful work and I really tried to love it but, it’s way too dark for me. I can’t use it as I can’t seem to see contrasting objects anymore. It’d be much better (IMHO) if it were about halfway between vanilla and this.It’s beautiful, it’s just not working for me.
Shift+F12 Toggles it ON/OFF
That way only textures are used from it.
But, I believe enbseries.ini further adjustments can make more desired results.I packed it to the DM Dark Texture add-on MOD for custom server use!
Hope its OK by Hrimthur? -
robocop wrote:
I have to say, it’s absolutely beautiful work and I really tried to love it but, it’s way too dark for me. I can’t use it as I can’t seem to see contrasting objects anymore. It’d be much better (IMHO) if it were about halfway between vanilla and this.
It’s beautiful, it’s just not working for me.The next Version will except planets also contain bright textures, you can see in post #16, it is a lot brighter
F!R wrote:
If you activate logging, you ll get a file named fl-client-errors.log
in your freelancer\exe directory instead of the flspew.
Thanks you F!R ! Will try this fix in the course of the day and and put the patch as soon as possible.
sumanuti wrote:
Hope its OK by Hrimthur?If you read the copyright you know its all free to use, for own mods, what created by me. For the Stuff in the credits i cant give permission, is not my work. But i just hope, if ppl use the Textures, they dont reduce them, i know many do it to save memory, im not a fan of this
btw. the V0.2 will be in two variations one as a mod as previously and one as Textures only. Regards
F!R wrote:
Hrimthur wrote:
…. turn off the FLSpew.txt, maybe i find the way to do this also :)…Forgot who 1st came up with this:
; EMAURER these four should remain as set.
;log = fl-client-errors.log, 65540 ; create file and alert all asserts
;log = fl-client-errors.log, -1 ; create file and alert all errors (SEV_ERROR=1)
;log = fl-client-errors.log, 0 ; create file but alert no errors, cuts down on wasted write times with D3D ~fox; EMAURER comment out lines below to vary the amount of output spew.
;; log = fl-client-errors.log, 65536 ; 65536 means ‘don’t care’ about kind value.
; 5 refers to TRACE_LEVEL_5. means report all messages
; with severity of 5 or less. lower the number, more severe
; the message. WARNINGS are at level 2. reduce for less spew.;; log = fl-client-errors.log, ‘R’ ; Render Pipeline
;; log = fl-client-errors.log, ‘n’ ; SERVER.DLL
;; log = fl-client-errors.log, ‘w’ ; minor general problems
;; log = fl-client-errors.log, ‘I’ ; incoming packet transmission
;; log = fl-client-errors.log, ‘O’ ; outgoing packet transmission
;; log = fl-client-errors.log, ‘i’ ; instance creation related messages (mass, MOI, equip)
;; log = fl-client-errors.log, ‘r’ ; significant attitude/reputation events (show results of AdjustAttitude calls)
;; log = fl-client-errors.log, ‘a’ ; detailed info regarding loading/unloading of archetypes.
;; log = fl-client-errors.log, ‘c’ ; report server-side events sent to contollers
;; log = fl-client-errors.log, ‘m’ ; mission-generated messages
;; log = fl-client-errors.log, ‘s’ ; log second thread activity
;; log = fl-client-errors.log, ‘f’ ; report file opens/closes
;; log = fl-client-errors.log, ‘e’ ; explosion/fuse messages
;; log = fl-client-errors.log, ‘d’ ; damage messages
;; log = fl-client-errors.log, ‘A’ ; reload console command messages
…If you activate logging, you ll get a file named fl-client-errors.log
in your freelancer\exe directory instead of the flspew.
Hi F!R. I have tryed this fix but unsuccessfully. Freelancer still
creating the FLSpew.txt which containing a lot of ENB Warnings.C:\work\builds\dalibs\dalibs-build\build\Src\RenderPipeline\DX8\dx8_shader_inl.h(84) : WARNING:General:flush_stream_source: D3DERR_INVALIDCALL ```And if i activate the fl-client-errors.log then both created. There is maybe something else what i need to do for deactivate the creation of the FLSpew or prevent this Warning? Thanks in advance! Regards
Forgot that - sorry.
Hi, never really done much on the star port… well nothing actually, but I like this Mod. So I have a question, Halloween said he tried it with Disco but I didn’t really understand if he got it to work or not, he was very vague. I’m wanting to use this with Disco 4.84 for the SP campaign due to never really finishing it. I just don’t know if it will work or how to go about installing it. I did DL it and install it via the exe method which i believe is the normal way, then it worked right until I undocked from Manhatten. So is did i screw up or is there another way for this to work with Disco 4.84 SP. I’m not trying to play with it on a server, just for the campaign.
Hi there.
I have updated the Download-Section.
Just download the “Textures only” for using the
Textures with other Mod´s.You need to do for Discovery:
Fresh Freelancer-Instal -> instal the DiscoveryMod
-> go to X:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Freelancer\DATA and drop all files from the RARArhive-DATA-Folder, in there. Overwrite existing files.Hope i could help you.
indeed it is, i tested the new package again and it’s much better!(!!) The sunlight reflections are good now and all the details are also visible. Seen from the current package, ppl can see how much effort you was putting in all the details.
Just one bug or simply our mods settings idk yet - the planet rings are not visible.
I am sure that we will use your textures in the third planed sector of SoF.
Thanks a lot for your work, ofc. credits will be proper placed it’s great stuff and was for sure a lot of work.
Thanks again for sharing it
I’d like to post this here, I have used Hrimthur’s and other people’s content to make a graphical compilation.
It’s intended use is on Discovery (Hence the reason why some files could not be used, to maintain compatibility) but it can be used with Vanilla as well.
Once again big thanks to Hrimthur. -
Hi Hrimthur,
I installed your file on my Win8 x64 machine but now freelancer crashes as soon as it tries to start. Also, is there a way to uninstall?
Can I send you a log file somehow so you can see why it crashed?
Hi Bojamijams, no sorry there is no way to unintall you nee to reinstal the game. Small tip: you can make a copy of the Freelancer-directory in X:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\ and using this copy as test-directory. So you still have an original everytime.
But try following: C:\Users\XXXXX\Documents\My Games.
Rename the “Freelancer” Forder there to “Freelancer_Original”
or somthing like that. And try to start again. If not helps, try to rename the “d3d8.dll” to “d3d8.dll.back” in X:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Freelancer\EXE.Hope that was helpfull, Regards
btw. you can copy yor savegames except for “restart.fl” later from renamed Freelancer-Folder to the new one and use it again.
renaming d3d8.dll fixed it!
Do I lose out on some effects because this is no longer loaded or does the d3d9 take over everything?
If I lose some stuff, what do you recommend to make d3d8 work?