[Freelancer Coding News]Dramatic Graphic Improvements for Freelancer!
Sometimes its good if you dont need to wait. It gives you more freedom
Furthermore i dont understand why everyone is waiting for it. Even if it would be released its not that all of the graphics are converted automatically. I think you need to add a bunch of work to get all the different textures ready to show the different mappings, add effects and and and…
Finally i think a release is ready when all the work is done. And the team wants to release it. Dunno but this question always reappears like a boomerang once in a while
There is no argument, never was. Something I said seems to have been taken the wrong way, and seeing as I’m not too big for it, I’ll apologise if I accidently offended anyone.
Looking forward to playing your mod guys, whenever that might be, and I’ve voted as many times as I can to show my appreciation for your efforts. Keep up the good work!
I don’t know why you think anything was directed at you, Timmy. This whole thing started with Xarian’s childish post, and largely went from there.
But yeah, all’s been said and done now.
Wait….you didn’t…it wasn’t…but I thought…
It’s a good job you already know I’m an idiot
So as I was saying … Nice job with all these enhancements guys ! The community will be a very happy place when you decide to release these sweet features to the public. The sooner the better
Now I’ll go back at my 3D stuff, i still have to UV unwrap that damn capital ship. -
Great looking stuff fellas.
Always amazing stuff.
Just wondering, could you redo Dev Video #13 (SW Epic Space Battle) as a new dev video using the latest mod?
It is impressive work you guys are doing with that stuff - hats off.
As allready told on moddb i applaud you. Go on
LancerSolurus wrote:
Just wondering, could you redo Dev Video #13 (SW Epic Space Battle) as a new dev video using the latest mod?Ya, we could redo that. Would be pretty neat to compare
Regarding FL coding, you migh be interested in this: