CMP Editor
Well, I tested the editor to edit DFM files (character body files), because all UTF editors screw the vertices up, v4 included. Anyway, as a test, I opened rh_male_guard_body.dfm (one of the ones UTF editor screws up, though it’s hardly noticable) and saved it, no changes. The file size increased by two kilobytes, but did it work? Did it replicate the body without messing it up? Don’t ask me, the game crashed as soon as I loaded a room with the body file in it. I got this Spit at me:
WARNING:General:create_texture: D3DERR_INVALIDCALL
WARNING:General:load_tga_mips: rh_guard_male_2.tga: failed to create texture!
WARNING:General:load_tga_mips: rh_guard_male_2.tga: mip invalid!
WARNING:General:load_tga_mips: rh_guard_male_2.tga: mip invalid!
WARNING:General:load_tga_mips: rh_guard_male_2.tga: mip invalid!
WARNING:General:load_tga_mips: rh_guard_male_2.tga: mip invalid!
WARNING:General:load_tga_mips: rh_guard_male_2.tga: mip invalid!
WARNING:General:load_tga_mips: rh_guard_male_2.tga: mip invalid!
WARNING:General:load_tga_mips: rh_guard_male_2.tga: mip invalid!Meh. I’m not sure if you intend to make DFM files editable, but they show up well enough. Something’s screwed up, though…
**It is intended to edit any UTF file. I will check and see what has changed that makes it crash.
This editor makes every string separate so that is the most likely cause of the size increase.
The data is stored as binary files in the ‘Temp’ folder, so until I get the editors working for every part, it should not change any data stored in the leaf nodes that you can’t edit.**
I did test it last night and you are correct, it causes a crash. Has anyone tested any other UTF files to see if they work? I’ve only tested it so far to see if the UTF editor and HardCMP loads them up.
I’ve tested u’r editor and it looks like its going to be one of the best tools around.
I’ve not found a bug or crash so far but i’ve not rly tested it.But i have two ideas/wishes for the editor.
1. A copy and paste function for nodes would be very helpful, also if u could select more than 1 node, this would let us copy whole trees or parts of it.
2. A safe function for nodes, lets say i want to copy a part or a tree into another model, would be cool if i could select the nodes i want to copy and safe them in the editor and paste them into as many models as i want.
Those two things would make my life much easier.
MindNote: Keep up the good work LS
**1 ) A very good idea, hadn’t considered multi-selection on the nodes
2 ) Saving them is the way I had intended on implementing the copy and paste, I never use the clipboard since I simulate it with an actual image of the data on the HD**
I did test it last night and you are correct, it causes a crash. Has anyone tested any other UTF files to see if they work? I’ve only tested it so far to see if the UTF editor and HardCMP loads them up.
I was use other UTF editor, all of UTF editor has same DFM files problem.
**DFM files can be loaded and saved using the next version I will be releasing. It turns out that the dfm file has a huge number of tree nodes so I increased the maximum nodes to 32k.
Also, I found a major bug in the save routine, none of the saved UTF from the current version should even work. It was a test version so that is to be expected.**
**DFM files can be loaded and saved using the next version I will be releasing. It turns out that the dfm file has a huge number of tree nodes so I increased the maximum nodes to 32k.
Also, I found a major bug in the save routine, none of the saved UTF from the current version should even work. It was a test version so that is to be expected.**
If you edit DFM files of nodes, and update it, UTF editor will add something and change the nodes size, please check it too.
Thanks for your hard work LS.
**The current version above is bugged badly. It can’t be used to edit any file properly. I will put up another test version this afternoon (or after midnight ur time Jong).
The next version should properly allow you to load and save the DFM files. I do have an add and remove node feature but it is incomplete. I’ve also added in the normal ASCII and HEX preview boxes like in the other UTF editors out there.
Another thing is I have been going through every UTF file and hunting down all of the missing nodes that I didn’t already have in it. I still haven’t added in the OpenFLAME stuff. Once I do that it will effectively double the number of nodes that can be edited.
I have found one thing though. The data size is the actual size of the data stored in the node. The allocated size is long aligned (as in every 4 bytes) and has a minimum size of 8 bytes. This is very important to FL and is not done in the version listed above.**
looking forward to this, i really need this CMP editor, to edit some .DFM files. if you get it working that will be awesomess!
i have a an idea for you LS, what about the ability to rollback any changes you have made to the file. (an auto backup)
**@ Zaxx - yes, I have already tested it on DFM files and it loads and saves them properly.
@ Jong - I actually wrote this program so I could complete the CMP to SUR code. In that program I wrote so many UTF node decoders that making this program made perfect sense. Plus now I can see stuff that the UTF Editor 1.4 doesn’t even show.
@ Mini-me - yes, that is the whole point. The way I am implementing it is through a script file. If a user finds an unsupported leaf node, they simply add it to the script and then it should show up in the new node section.
@CoT - good idea, I could simply implement a incremental saver like the one in my Commodity Ticker program (unreleased sorry).**
I must say, LS, implementing via script is a bit of a let down ::)
Future modders will miss out on the hours of fun time trawling through dusty forums, ftp sites, and ancient file databases scattered across the planet, while searching for source code or trying to get a hold of you after you’ve moved on to coding Windows OS mark XI tng4: the sequel. Shame on you thinking ahead
Any update / beta download yet Lancer?
Sorry for the delay in getting the next test version online. I’ve been working on the updater all week trying to get it ready for my mods release. I will see what I can do in the next few hours since I’m done with it.
Sorry for the delay in getting the next test version online. I’ve been working on the updater all week trying to get it ready for my mods release. I will see what I can do in the next few hours since I’m done with it.
I hope the new test version include cmp to sur. ;D