Freelancer Beta 1
Yeah I downloaded it but had no idea what to do after that, lol. Something about two files in there with no explanation* on what to do…. well i don’t know. Well to bad I just can’t install like normal stuff.
Edit: thought was the other thing, I’ll try it out.
You need to download daemon tools lite Alucard and use it to mount the files you’ve downloaded, they are an image of the disc.
[d]commenting out SoundStreamer.dll from DACOM fixes the sound buffer error and still has sound, but no music or voices[/d]
Edit Installing the codec with custom option with everything except web plugin installs them, after that just open Run and run “regsvr32” and sound fully works nowStart the game with -w command line so it starts it window mode so if it locks up you can kill it in task manager
If you get success errors just click ignoreAlso the graphic settings have shadows DAFQU!!!??
Can anyone figure out how to enable them??The ScenarioSaves won’t work becouse they are missing a system E3, i wonder what might that be lol
Can someone addapt Adoxa’s console for this version, would be fun to explore the 58 systems
My discoveries
Newark is still under construction and its called Interspace Commerce Base.
Ship pilot names are randomly generated
Weapon groups
Auto-turret toggle
A lot more derbis in New York system
Reputation is shown on selected ships as the selection box, Rouges are orange when attacking the convoy in the first mission
Pilots scream to death on coms when killed.(Like in the missions in the final)
Sometimes when pilots die they say “Come on you son of a bitch” to their ships
Kings’ voice is Microsoft Sam:lol:
In Freelancer Beta you don’t need to read the news they are read to you 8-)Pittsburgh cant be docked X<
Made a no story save, jobs are available, at least on Newark
[d]God mode
Enable console by adding key = DBG_CONSOLE,74,CONTROL to UserKeyMap.ini
press CTRL + J and type god_mode, typeing help gives most of the commands[/d]
Edit works only on targets :[SYS isn’t listed but it reloads the current system, it does not work porperly tho
tomsons26 wrote:
My discoveries
Newark is still under construction and its called Interspace Commerce Base.
Ship pilot names are randomly generated
Weapon groups
Auto-turret toggle
A lot more derbis in New York system
Reputation is shown on selected ships as the selection box, Rouges are orange when attacking the convoy in the first missionPittsburgh cant be docked X<
Made a no story save, jobs are available, at least on Newark
You were able to make the Beta campaign/singleplayer work?
tomsons26 wrote:
Yes, you just need to start it properly just like in the final version, go to the bar, talk to Juni, go to the equipment dealer and so on
I mean, how were you able to start the SP campaign when the Singleplayer button is greyed out? Did you modify the tutorial’s .fl file?
Xalrok wrote:
tomsons26 wrote:
Yes, you just need to start it properly just like in the final version, go to the bar, talk to Juni, go to the equipment dealer and so on
I mean, how were you able to start the SP campaign when the Singleplayer button is greyed out? Did you modify the tutorial’s .fl file?
You need to use Adoxa’s unportected exe -
tomsons26 wrote:
Xalrok wrote:
tomsons26 wrote:
Yes, you just need to start it properly just like in the final version, go to the bar, talk to Juni, go to the equipment dealer and so on
I mean, how were you able to start the SP campaign when the Singleplayer button is greyed out? Did you modify the tutorial’s .fl file?
You need to use Adoxa’s unportected exe, I overlooked that. Didn’t know it enabled singleplayer gameplay.
It’s funny how King goes through about 2-3 different voice actors as well as Microsoft Sam from launching off of Manhattan to meeting the USV Brandt. I didn’t have any problems with Pittsburgh and went on to the XT-19 mission, but I gave up because I kept getting fatal error dialogs that I had to keep closing when I shot at enemy fighters near death.
The Beta Order use some weird ranks, like Father, Brother and Wurm. I wonder if any other missions are different, I was listening to some of the voice files and in the escape from Liberty the IMG warn you that the Navy stormed Freeport 4 and they give you directions to Mactan.
Xalrok wrote:
Thanks, I overlooked that. Didn’t know it enabled singleplayer gameplay.It’s funny how King goes through about 2-3 different voice actors as well as Microsoft Sam from launching off of Manhattan to meeting the USV Brandt. I didn’t have any problems with Pittsburgh and went on to the XT-19 mission, but I gave up because I kept getting fatal error dialogs that I had to keep closing when I shot at enemy fighters near death.
The Beta Order use some weird ranks, like Father, Brother and Wurm. I wonder if any other missions are different, I was listening to some of the voice files and in the escape from Liberty the IMG warn you that the Navy stormed Freeport 4 and they give you directions to Mactan.
To get rid of the dialogs open Freelancer.ini go to [Error] section and comment out all the log = $Window stuff
King even has a different model in coms later on.
Anyone figured out whats wrong with Colorado?
It’s already known that the game crashes when jumping to it, but when i load the autosave i can’t move or press any buttons exept alt+F4,
whatever causes that its not in the Li03 system files because i edited the autosave to load in a different system and i still could not do anything
It appears i’m not fully loaded in the system, the targets list is empty and King and Juni just fly away, its probably caused by the mission files and is saved in autosave it self breaking itAnyone knows how to enable FLSpew so we can finally figure out why does it crash???
This is in single player storyline mode I assume.
If you look at the mission file, there will be action triggers etc. Chances are, there’s something missing (it does say “Beta appears to be multi-player only” at the start of this thread).
My guess is that it’s a cut scene - which would explain the lack of controls and everything else.
Have a poke around, find out how the cut scene gets triggered (probably an enter system trigger).
[d]added debug = true to the savegame and it showed me an error
E:\FL\Scratch\Source\Server\pubMisc.cpp(969) : *** ERROR: pub: Unable to locate npc_archetype, 0x884d72cd[/d]
Ok i got that error because i was using the retail m03 files
I can’t move because of Mission = Mission_03 in [StoryInfo] in the autosave it seems that the mission isn’t loadedWhat does MissionNum = 7 under [StoryInfo] do?
I’m trying to implement the St02b system into our mod as it’s more interesting than the vanilla lair core system.
Problem is the nomad_airlocks.
The animations won’t open allowing the jump. I can hear the gate open sound but the gate remains closed preventing further progress of the ship.Where is the open_anim = sc_open airlock01 animation defined?
I’m guessing I need to add it to the appropriate sections in our mod.
I tried using sc_open dock but that isn’t working.Thanks
I had this bug as well. I think it happened because the "goto = " line wasn’t exactly matching the name of the gate on the other side.
EDIT: Not sure about that being the cause. I do remember that the animation was working in one system, but the bug happened to the airlock in another system. I can’t repeat the bug. This is my code:
[Solar] nickname = lair_airlock ids_name = 10907 ids_info = 10908 type = JUMP_GATE DA_archetype = solar\dockable\nomad_airlock.cmp material_library = solar\nomad.mat LODranges = 0, 20000 mass = 1000000 open_anim = Sc_open airlock01 open_sound = gate_open_sound close_sound = gate_close_sound docking_sphere = jump, HpDockMountA, 10 jump_out_hp = HpDockMountA solar_radius = 600 shape_name = NAV_jumpgate hit_pts = 1000000000000000000000000000000000000.000000
[Object] nickname = St02b_tunnel_enter ids_name = 10907 pos = 0, 0, 0 rotate = 0, 180, 0 archetype = lair_airlock jump_effect = jump_effect_bretonia ids_info = 10908 goto = St02, St02_lair_enter, gate_tunnel_bretonia [Object] nickname = St02b_tunnel_exit ids_name = 10907 pos = 1629, 0, -15052 rotate = 0, -30, 0 archetype = lair_airlock jump_effect = jump_effect_bretonia ids_info = 10908 goto = St02c, St02c_core_enter, gate_tunnel_bretonia
On a related note, I can’t get the animation on the rotor in nomad_chamber.cmp to work. I have no idea why it’s broken, because the animation looks fine in UTF and I matched the names exactly in select_equip and loadouts.
There are also animated yellow glowmaps on the tunnel pieces, but the texture is missing. You have to add a new DcDtEc texture, lair_energyglow_ni to nomad.mat, refer to lair_energy.tga as the Dt_name and use a full white Ec node. This will cause the tubes to glow yellow and have texture animations too.
Its a Great News We Finally Got Beta
Can Anyone Mirror The File? I am Getting very slow Downloading Speed.