Voluntary Tutoring Wanted in - Workflow and Modeling
Yes, I know, there’s a policy here that looks down at such advertising. But, I’m new to the modding scene, especially Modding 3D games like this. My endeavors with Bethesda titles like Skyrim and Fallout: NV were met with limited success. My attempts at modeling for those titles failed, because of roadblocks involving plugin and tool inconsistencies. At first, I suggested that they seem to have trouble transitioning plugins and file format exporters to more up-to-date tools, because of problems their current builds.
Why does it have to be so difficult to take advantage of new modeling tool versions, such as 3ds MAX 2013 or 3ds Max 2014, Milkshape 3d 1.8.5, or even kHED 1.1.5 (though it’s missing some important features ms3d has). What about a Blender .CMP plugin?
The point is, I need help setting up a workflow that is straight-forward and costs nothing to make models and collisions. I tried kHED with the ms3d plugins, but it’s missing features like translucent glass materials, correct UV mapping and other stuff that makes ms3d more professional than kHED. I should know, I compared the import module’s consistency between the two with the Patriot, and guess what? kHED lost to ms3d because kHED couldn’t read groups, therefore was imported with garbled texturing.
Why am I telling you this? Because, my student edition of Max 2011 will last for only three years, then I have to pay for a personal license to continue my endeavors after that period.
Long story short, I need face-to-face assistance when needed. Preferably via Skype. All you need is a mic, high command of the English Language, and a Skype account.
I’m not expecting a resume, but if you are interested to help me in your spare time, post a reply explaining why you would like to tutor me. In your response, include your modding niche (modeling/texturing, scripting, and/or world design), teaching methods (auditory, visual, and/or tactile), and your recommended workflow (including tools, plugins, and resources).
In addition to your rationale, please state whether you taught or communicated with peers diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome, or any high-functioning Autistic Disorder, being an Aspie, myself. Google “Asperger’s Syndrome”, read up on the mental disorder, the pros and cons of this trait, and post whether you think you can overcome the challenge.
A tall order, I know, but I’m eager to learn, just not immediately.
Please give this some consideration, and if you reply about how stupid this is, the next time I see you anywhere on the servers, I’ll gun you down with gusto! JK, but seriously, don’t flame this topic or I’ll block you, and report you to the staff.
UPDATE: Oops, I think this is supposed to go in the Help and Support section. My bad, can a mod do me a favor and move this thread, be a friend?
Also, if interested, my skype is: archmcshane
Aight, I’ve moved the thread for you.
Before we go any further, I’d just like to make a few points clear with you.
- Be very careful about all the plugin whining. You’re sounding entitled. The only response you’re going to get with an attitude like this is: the plugin for 3ds Max 2010/2011 and the MS3D exporter both have sources, go make your own or sod off. All the tools you’re going to use when modding Freelancer have been made for free by the community. This isn’t Skyrim with the modding toolkit made by the devs and everything. Extremely generous people just chose to dedicate dozens if not hundreds of hours to build plugins for what they thought was best or what they used most. If you’re not happy with those choices, make your own, as I’ve said the sources are available.
I’d also point out that considering the fact we have never had any form of support from Digital Anvil or Microsoft, the toolset you can get to work on Freelancer is bloody exceptional.
- This entire thread is asking for somebody to help you out of their own free time, at no cost to you and with no compensation to them. And yet, despite how grossly imbalanced this offer is, you’ve dedicated a large portion to how you’ll be screening “applicants” and adding restrictions to how you wish to learn. I’m not saying you should be begging for help, but even if you were you’d have to be really lucky to get anything. As it is now, I don’t see how this whole thing could sound attractive to well anybody.
We’ve all learned on our own using the plethora of tutorials available on the net. Some have gone to school to learn more (programming, art). We’ve done trial and error, which oddly seems like a lost art these days (just look at the unfathomable number of questions posted here that could be answered just by trying it). We’ve deciphered the game’s innards and built tools to automate some of the process. We’ve searched and found. I don’t see why you think you should be getting preferential treatment, having someone curate and spoon feed you all the information so you don’t have to work for it, especially when you give no incentive for people to help you.
Honestly, tutoring usually involves parting of money, but I’m not seeing that here, nor do I think people would approve of.
- Please don’t make threats to people before the thread even starts. You’re begging to get trolled hard.
My sincerest apologies, Administrator FriendlyFire (yes, I must address my superiors by their rank and file when they act with the greatest possible respect), I’m trying to not be a bother and a burden. I just need help, that’s all.
And most of us don’t have time to take on a 2nd (or oftentimes, 3rd) job teaching someone. Especially someone with an ASD. I’ve taught several people with ASDs before, and it’s not a simple process. The best I can do is point you at the resources we already have.