Hard Cmp Tutorial?
I don’t know if anyone else has asked this, but since I couldn’t find anything I’ll just ask anyway. For my mod I would really like to use Kuze’s ship packs (all I’ve got now is the vanilla ships), but I have no idea how to use Hard CMP. I was just wondering if there was a tutorial for the program somewhere. Thx in advance!
There isn’t much to know about it.
First you load in a ship.
Then you click “New” (top right corner) to add a new hardpoint.
In the new window you can select from a list of usual Hardpoints (but you can name them as you want!).
Fixed should be used for everything else than weapons.
For weapons you should use Revolute. Revolute hardpoints can be limited in their rotation (see the Rotation angles).Thats it.
…also important when you are going to use it:
Help/Key & Mouse Commands
By holding CTRL and clicking anywhere you can easily add hardpoints, but for more accurate placement you will still need to input the numbers.
The HpMount is the basic hardpoint, the camera circles around that point when in turret view.
The HpScanner, HpMine, HpCM, HpRadar, HpTractor_Source, HpShield and HpEngine are essential too. And HpPilot if you want a pilot mesh included.
I found this video tutorial, maybe it will be useful.
Alternatively, start learning UTFEditor immediately instead. HardCMP is ancient and lacks a lot of features. The only good thing about it is that it shows SURs.
Yes, I know I’m not being helpful. I’m afraid I don’t have the time to write a tutorial for it.