[Space Sim News]X Rebirth Release Trailer
I hear you Timmy. It was like half a year ago that I was looking on the internet and I just couldn’t find a game to play that I liked and now they’re everywhere, I don’t have time to play all of them
How cool is that !
The more I hear about X-Rebirth the less likely I am to purchase it till the price comes way down and Egosoft’s had time to patch the hell out of it. On the surface, it’s pretty, but what I’ve been seeing on the AI and other mechanics is downright disappointing.
@Timmy - thanks for the kind words. FW:ToW is real, I promise XD
The reviews are starting to come in - it’s looking bad, really bad.
Starting perspective - I’ve owned X2, X3:Reunion, X3:TC, X3:AP.
I’ve been a massive X fan, always got the games and even written a 2 mission walkthrough on X3 release to try and appease the screaming from people going mental (no tutorial provided).This is NOT X4, it’s different. Obviously a large proportion did NOT consider this and bought. More fool them.
So - that said - I’ve got the game, and to be fair, it’s horribly bugged. I’ve barely played 3-4 hours of it - and I’ve considered asking Steam for a refund. The ranting is over the top on the forums, it’s beyond compare, but the game is seriously flawed from bugs at present. Many of the key features of X games don’t work as expected yet.
I’ve faith that this WILL be great sometime as I’ve seen enough hints at what they’ve tried to do to know where it may end up.
But currently it’s a fricken bug fest with the basics of the game barely working. I’m used to their releases being buggy so was not surprised, but this is beyond compare.
Give it 6-12 months and maybe it’ll be worth picking up and playing.
I was well aware of it being a 1 ship affair, but currently it is executed so poorly that it is a major PITA on the mind. Maybe if i play more i’ll realise it’s okay. But right now, I’m missing having different ship classes to fly… even though in most X games people end up with 1 ship and sticking with it always (for their personal ship).
Someone actually said: “I’d like to drown this game in a bucket !” :)))))))))))))))))
I found X2 and X3 disappointing after the first few missions, to say the least. Too little profit, too much waiting, unbalanced wares prices, dull scenery, hard to see bases, too much similarity across all space regions, apparently unmoddable to the degree that I would like… where shall I stop? Right here.
So FL is still my fave and I won’t be considering Rebirth at all.
X Rebirth is a lot more colorful and the space varies a lot more. It’s probably the only big advantage it has over X3
I was really hoping Rebirth was going to be a winner because it was supposed to be so different to X3, simpler if you like. X3 was way to complex for my taste, I loved the models and graphics, look and feel, but I only like games I can drop in and out of, play for a couple of hours then if needs be leave it until a few weeks later and play again. Simply not possible with X3, and maybe not possible with Rebirth either by the sounds of it, might just be that X games are never going to be to my taste. I got around it with X2 and 3 by bringing the content into freelancer, but that’s never going to happen in this instance so maybe I’ll never see any of it.
I can play a different game every day of the week, and sometimes a few different games a day depending on who I’m gaming with, maybe the X universe if for when you just want to disappear for a month and not speak to anyone.
Does anyone know is there a way to alter the prices of wares (tradable commodities) in X2 or X3?