I forgot how to make a Faction visible (before game starts)
I forgot how to make a Faction visible (before game starts) :oops:
I thought that:
- adding visit =1 to the faction’s entry in InitialWorld.ini
- deleting the autostart file
would do the trick, but apparently not… Afaik it wasn’t that difficult!
I’m sure someone can help me out here
Checking KnowledgeMap.ini…
EDIT No, altho it’s good to include my custom factions.
Btw this question is not about custom factions — I just forgot how to have factions - any factions - show up on the rep screen at the beginning of the game. With a station or planet you can just add visit = 1 to its entry, but with factions it apparently doesn’t work… I could have sworn there was a method just as easy for it though…
In mpnewcharacter.fl add line after “house=xyz”
visit = code_nickname_faction, 65Find code use FLPlyrCleanerV1_010 and option “Generate Hash List”, open HashList.txt find nickname faction(initialworld.ini) number just below = code_nickname_faction.
@ Starworld: Thanx!
Actually what I forgot is that modding factions should be preferably watched in MP! I’m accustomed to use OpenSP but of course that’s not the same.