Huhu <3
Open your eyes, here I am. All your base are belong to us! ;D
Here is ]Imperium[Bas, guess some of you already heard my name, and I am also known as a little sucker. ;D
Freelancer History:
I am playing Freelancer since release (brother bought it), playing online for over 2 years. I started my FL carrier on DFLS server (huhu Crazy xP) in april/march 06, where I got banned after 3 days because speedmod didnt got deactivated correctly. Because I was a totally noob I thought it would be a feature of the server
(But I was sorry that my brother got also banned because of same IP-address )
So I really started at [][]Drachennest200X[][] where I got welcomed by Draco Nemesis who sponsored an eagle for myself. He told my some things about MP (for example, reloading) and we did a PvP, for me it was the first time. Then, after a few days (or maybe also on the same day) I applied to []Imperium[-Clan[/url] and through my application wasnt really perfect, it caused some problems, for example I created a character with clantag and all were wondering “WTF? Who is this guy?” I simple thought that register at the forum would mean that I would have joined the clan. But because I was totally new to internet and had no clue how it works I think it is understandable. However, my applycation got accepted after things cleared up and so I became an offically clan member (I remember when whole clan started to escort me to theta xDD)
After some time the clan decided to go on war with KsK and GPA, which were already fighting against Diablo~, |X|BAD, AOW and some other clans in New Tokio and Honshu to end the war. However, Diablo~ remember that they dont like us and wanted that we will leave the war to them and give them a packet with 20.000.000$ Credits inside. The paket never arrived, so we were fighting them in our home, New Berlin. Soon their allieds, [Team_DK] and Draco supported them, and AOW involved into the war to conquer the system after a forumsthread started from Diablo~MadMaster “New Berlin for sale, who offer the most?” and AOW gave the highest offer. We got help from (-Blackstar-), who had to left us alone with our enemies due their inactivity, and [TCEagles]. After weeks (or maybe longer, cant remember :/) we had to give up, but AOW gave us some credits and no one knewed it, not even on till Clanleader Thrawn told me maybe 15 months later, lol. (Guess I ought to make it shorter now because this was maybe only my first 2-3 months FL experience.)
~08.06 we started to play at Project -X- server, I later became a server police there and even later I left the server crew (~February/March 07) because I had problems with some persons, plans and actions.
We left the server at this point also because I was the only clan member which still did play there at this time.
~12.06 we started to play at Hamburg City server but we failed because it was to hard to stay active at three servers
~05.07 - 01.08 we declared war against KsK because they supported an undercover clan named ||||Teufel-666|||| which attacked us, or to be more correct: They were ||||Teufel-666||||. Not all KsK-members but the most. We had proofs like same fighting style/equipment, sometimes same behaviour etc. Our allieds [Jedi_O(rder)], former known as [Team_DK], Dark Commanders and later Blackstar supported us. But KsK requested huge help from their Hamburg City allieds, like TD (The Dragons), HA (Händlerallianz - Trader Alliance) and DOS (Defenders Of Sirius). Our allieds became inactive to other reasons, especially Jedi Order because of their leader had to prepare for his world trip. KsK Clan also used their Battleship and that what they got from their fake clan (we feared this so it was also a reason for declaring war to them), I remember a night where I and 2 clanmates were fighting against 2 Battleships, and each battleship had a power for taking down 50 and more eagles without problems. (NOTE: Any clan is only allowed to have one battleship.)
Later on, we decided to hunt them also at Hamburg City Server, so we succesfull started a relaunch there. Here, without any allies, expect later, where we get a little, not much, support from OIA, we were fighting day by day outnumbered, 1 vs. 3-5 of them was the normal case. KsK hide behind their allies, their battleship (HC also offered this feature but there were much weaker than DN-Server) and clanbase. They and their allies called us pirates because we had no choice then cooperate with some pirate forces because all law clans were on their side. But does grouping with pirates makes the clan himself to a privateer-clan?
After fighting ~an half year outnumbered, more and more allieds stopped to support them, or just did it more rare. Know it was our turn! We hunted them now like they did with us, for example KsK Bär with his 542 Characters, using F1 after F1 to get my trader etc. Everytime they came online, we logged in and hunted them down, hunted their trader, attacked them while do they tried to make missions - for all that flame, extrem-overnumbered fighting, lameness and other actions which were more worse, which I dont want to name here. Finally, in January 08 two KsK members posted public in the server forum that KsK clan will be dissolved and they left clan, but KsK leadership wrote that clan just will be “inactive”. I dont believe that KsK will come back to freelancer, but if they do, they will get destroyed again, and to be honest, they have deserved it.
The war least 6 months 29/30 days and 23 hours. Calculated by ]Imperium[Str.~End of December 07 -]uSF[- -]unterSchwarzerFlagge[- (under black flag) declared war on us
~End of February 08 Drachennest (Dragon’s Nest) 200X got shutted down due player numbers
~ 3rd May 08 ]Imperium[ became three years old, the six highest members prove their loyality with a at least 2-years membership, however, they (we) form the biggest part of the clan because we are focused more in skill than in mass. Quality instead of quantityHope my history wasn’t that boring. :X
And sorry for bad english.
nominate me wtf lol, who is this Bas fellow ^^
(Yeah, post unfortunaly really drove out of my control, just wanted to write a few sentences x_X)](
Welcome to the Starport. ;D
Moin und Willkommen auf the starport
Hello and welcome to the starport