Ship death causing server crash
I’m seeing something new in an old mod that’s probably always existed, just not been identified before.
We have a ship (ku_destroyer) that can die just fine in battle but when it’s driven into a planet until it gets destroyed the server will crash.
It seems to be specific only to that ship and only in that scenario.
Where might I begin looking for the problem? It is repeatable.
I’m suspecting the fuses for some reason although they seem to be working fine otherwise. If I recall correctly, they’re the vanilla fuses anyway.
Anyone have experience on this one?
Dig crash offset.
Maybe it is already solved here. -
Here’s the shiparch for the destroyer.
I’d prefer to not add a dump cargo fuse to the ship as only freighters drop cargo on the server.None of the other ships have the problem so I’m not sold on adding the dump_cargo fuse as a solution.
ids_name = 237026
ids_info = 460775
ids_info1 = 66554
ids_info2 = 66608
ids_info3 = 460776
nickname = ku_destroyer
LODranges = 0, 300, 600, 800, 9000
msg_id_prefix = gcs_refer_shiparch_Kusd
mission_property = can_use_med_moors
DA_archetype = ships\kusari\ku_destroyer\ku_destroyer.cmp
material_library = ships\kusari\ku_capships.mat
material_library = fx\envmapbasic.mat
envmap_material = envmapbasic
linear_drag = 1
mass = 5000
hold_size = 275
hit_pts = 43300
explosion_arch = explosion_instant
fuse = ku_destroyer_body_fuse, 0, 1
fuse = ku_destroyer_burning_fuse01, 0, 10825
fuse = ku_destroyer_burning_fuse02, 0, 5413
surface_hit_effects = 0, small_hull_hit_light01, small_hull_hit_light02, small_hull_hit_light03
surface_hit_effects = 150, small_hull_hit_medium01, small_hull_hit_medium02, small_hull_hit_medium03
surface_hit_effects = 300, small_hull_hit_heavy01, small_hull_hit_heavy02, small_hull_hit_heavy03
steering_torque = 610000000, 610000000, 610000000
angular_drag = 1000000000, 1000000000, 1000000000
rotation_inertia = 100000000, 100000000, 100000000
nudge_force = 300000
HP_bay_surface = HpBayDoor01
HP_bay_external = HpBayDoor02
HP_tractor_source = HpTractor_Source
num_exhaust_nozzles = 3
ship_class = 2
distance_render = 5000
cockpit = cockpits\flu\ku_destroyer.ini
pilot_mesh = generic_pilot
max_bank_angle = 20
camera_offset = 20, 70
camera_angular_acceleration = 0.020000
camera_horizontal_turn_angle = 20
camera_vertical_turn_up_angle = 3
camera_vertical_turn_down_angle = 35
camera_turn_look_ahead_slerp_amount = 1
strafe_force = 100000
strafe_power_usage = 2
nanobot_limit = 313
shield_battery_limit = 0
bay_door_anim = Sc_open baydoor
bay_doors_open_snd = hanger_doors_opening
bay_doors_close_snd = hanger_doors_closing
hp_type = hp_gun, HpTurret_K1_01, HpTurret_K1_02, HpTurret_K2_01, HpTurret_K2_02, HpTurret_K2_03, HpTurret_K2_04, HpTurret_K2_05, HpTurret_K4_01, HpTurret_K4_02, HpTurret_K4_04, HpTurret_K4_05, HpTurret_K4_06, HpTurret_K4_03[CollisionGroup]
obj = ku_front_lod1
mass = 200
parent_impulse = 0
child_impulse = 500
fuse = ku_destroyer_body_fuse, 0, 1
fuse = ku_destroyer_burning_fuse01, 0, 10825
fuse = ku_destroyer_burning_fuse02, 0, 5413
group_dmg_hp = DpMain
group_dmg_obj = ku_destroyer_dmg_body_cap
debris_type = cap_ship_piece2
hit_pts = 43300
root_health_proxy = true[CollisionGroup]
obj = ku_cntrltwr_lod1
parent_impulse = 60
child_impulse = 30
fuse = ku_destroyer_tower_fuse, 0, 1
dmg_hp = DpCntrltwr
dmg_obj = ku_destroyer_dmg_tower_cap
debris_type = debris_vanish
mass = 20
hit_pts = 43300
root_health_proxy = true[CollisionGroup]
obj = ku_eng01_lod1
parent_impulse = 60
child_impulse = 30
fuse = ku_destroyer_engine_fuse, 0, 1
dmg_hp = DpEng01
dmg_obj = ku_destroyer_dmg_top_engine_cap
debris_type = debris_vanish
mass = 20
hit_pts = 43300
root_health_proxy = true[CollisionGroup]
obj = ku_eng02_lod1
parent_impulse = 60
child_impulse = 30
fuse = ku_destroyer_engine_fuse, 0, 1
dmg_hp = DpEng02
dmg_obj = ku_destroyer_dmg_mid_engine_cap
debris_type = debris_vanish
mass = 20
hit_pts = 43300
root_health_proxy = true[CollisionGroup]
obj = ku_eng03_lod1
parent_impulse = 60
child_impulse = 30
fuse = ku_destroyer_engine_fuse, 0, 1
dmg_hp = DpEng03
dmg_obj = ku_destroyer_dmg_low_engine_cap
debris_type = debris_vanish
mass = 20
hit_pts = 43300
root_health_proxy = true[Simple]
nickname = ku_destroyer_dmg_tower_cap
DA_archetype = Ships\kusari\ku_destroyer\ku_destroyer_dmg_cntrltwr.3db
material_library = ships\kusari\ku_capships.mat
mass = 5
LODranges = 0, 150, 6000[Simple]
nickname = ku_destroyer_dmg_body_cap
DA_archetype = Ships\kusari\ku_destroyer\ku_destroyer_dmg_main.3db
material_library = ships\kusari\ku_capships.mat
mass = 5
LODranges = 0, 150, 6000[Simple]
nickname = ku_destroyer_dmg_top_engine_cap
DA_archetype = Ships\kusari\ku_destroyer\ku_destroyer_dmg_eng01.3db
material_library = ships\kusari\ku_capships.mat
mass = 5
LODranges = 0, 150, 6000[Simple]
nickname = ku_destroyer_dmg_mid_engine_cap
DA_archetype = Ships\kusari\ku_destroyer\ku_destroyer_dmg_eng02.3db
material_library = ships\kusari\ku_capships.mat
mass = 5
LODranges = 0, 150, 6000[Simple]
nickname = ku_destroyer_dmg_low_engine_cap
DA_archetype = Ships\kusari\ku_destroyer\ku_destroyer_dmg_eng03.3db
material_library = ships\kusari\ku_capships.mat
mass = 5
LODranges = 0, 150, 6000 -
that’s next. i have to coordinate with a player who flies the destroyer.
I imagine i can just comment out the sections on the server side although, i suppose the client side could cause it as well. The arch is the same on both sides though.
maybe you got confused,
player/npc cargo dump is in shiparchfuse = drop_cargo_fuse, 0, 1 ```the code i posted before stops the ship death crashing the server add it to "fx/fuse_ku_destroyer.ini". this one still ?
Interesting, I’d forgotten about that thread.
I looked at our mod and the fix was already in place, just not activated due to options selections when activating the mod.Problem has been fixed. (at least initial follow-up tests seem to indicate so).
Thanks for the reminder.
edit: btw, just as a follow-up, the fix needs to be applied on both the server and the client, not just on the server. ( haven’t tested the fix on client side only, it might be needed only on the client side )