LAN server not working on W7 but fine on W10
Ok, not exactly new to all this, been testing a little mod on my W10 pc via LAN obviously, just me on the W10 pc, no internet, all fine. Disabled IPv6, did the registry hack, all tickety boo.
Did exactly the same on my W7 spare pc, and my test server doesn’t show up in the listings. No bloody idea why. The same files are being used, so should work right? Clearly not. I’m missing something, wish i knew what…
Just a quick update to all this. I’m having the exact same issues as this guy as it turns out
Luckily for him he found a solution, shame he didn’t share it sadly
I’ve removed the registry hack and put windows back to normal. Done your exe hack, server doesn’t show in the list. Same on my W10 machine and W7 machine
Is there a hack in flserver that might cure the ipv6 issue?
Ok, sooooo, unplugged the router and went direct from the modem and surprise surprise, it works. This is with the hack adoxa was talking about, no reg editing, network and internet settings have ipv6 ticked. It seems the router is the issue after all this.
I have 3 pc’s in two countries, one W10 development machine which is fine, and works ok with a Netgear Nighthawk R7000 router. This to be fair has the regedit hack but i’ll try adoxa’s hex edit on the exe as i prefer this option.
The two pc’s i have been fiddling with, a W10 and a W7 machine which is going to be the server, go through an Asus RT-N56U router, which for some reason known only to itself, won’t let either pc allow FLserver to display a correct ipv4 address. In fact it won’t even let FLserver show up up in the server listings at all. The server shows up ok with an ipv6 address if there are no hacks or regedits in play. The instant anything is altered, the server doesn’t show up in the listings in game.
I suppose the only option short of getting the Asus router setup properly somehow is to change router at this juncture. Driving me mad tbh
Sorted it in the end. Got fed up trying to configure a prehistoric router and bought a new one. Problem solved. The exe hack Adoxa suggested works nicely as well so thumbs up for that, also means i don’t have to mess around doing the regedit hack as well. Appreciate the assistance Adoxa.