Modded Game Crashing Pre-Menu (Solved)
The mod presently doesn’t have any save files attached to it and still crashes out, though thanks to how the Mod Manager handles seperating modded files, they’re still there in a split off folder.
You should double check that. When being launched, FL automatically creates a savegame if there is none. If you did changes to the modded content since that happened it still might be possible that such an incompatibility is the cause.
You should double check that. When being launched, FL automatically creates a savegame if there is none. If you did changes to the modded content since that happened it still might be possible that such an incompatibility is the cause.
I tried renaming the entire Accts folder at one point to force the generation of a new one, and I still got a crash. I don’t think the saves are the problem, or at least not the root issue.
then more info is required
SWAT_OP-R8R wrote:
then more info is requiredI’m unsure what other info I have to provide at the moment. Originally there were several other significant errors FLScanII was picking up, but I managed to track down their causes and fix them, so what’s been talked about on this thread is more or less all i’ve got to work with right now.
Edit: Also, I have discovered the cause of the error (thought it was the leftover files from another mod in my file backup that I missed previously, but it really was the MultiUniverse entry in universe.ini not naturally needing a file directory - adding one but leaving it blank removes the error), so now i’m just down to whatever’s in FLSpew for whatever’s causing my crash.
adoxa wrote:
E:\FL\Scratch\Source\RPCLocal\RPCServer.cpp(62) : *** ERROR: Connect - failed to LoadLibrary(server.dll)
Well there’s your problem - you have no [c]EXE\server.dll[/c]. Heaven knows what else is missing, then, do a fresh install.
That’s confusing then, because if it is the server.dll that’s the problem, the mod does actually have one, and Freelancer runs just fine when the mod’s uninstalled, meaning a reinstall might not solve it. I’d assume then, that the problem is the server.dll in the mod being in error, but I feel like i’ve attempted to replace it with the wprking, vanilla one before, and since I don’t think i’ve edited the server.dll during any other work on the mod (the closest I think would be my mixed success attempt to remove the level cap, which didn’t touch the server.dll, as far as I remember) I assume I copied it over just in case.
Actually, if the server.dll is the issue, I might see what happens if I just remove it from the mod. Maybe having it there to overwrite the default one when I don’t need it is the problem. Will see if this works and then edit here if it does.
Edit: Didn’t work. I’m considering that reinstall, now, but still don’t think it will solve the problem.
If you have the .dll I wonder if its an access issue.
Are you running the game as Administrator?
Is the .dll blocked? See example screenshot.
Raikkonen wrote:
If you have the .dll I wonder if its an access issue.Are you running the game as Administrator?
Is the .dll blocked? See example screenshot.
The Server.dll in my mod doesn’t seem to be blocked, and I set the freelancer.exe to run as Admin, but it didn’t change anything. Good thought, though.
adoxa wrote:
Could you post the mod’s server.dll?I haven’t dared touch it because my knowledge of hex outside of specific instructions given for one thing or another is essentially non-existent. That said, i’m trying to upload it, but the forum isn’t allowing me to. Something about the MIME type (application/x-msdownload) not being allowed.
Edit: Nevermind. It seems to work when I put it in a compressed folder. I hope that comes out alright in the download.
adoxa wrote:
That seemed to work fine. Is that the one that crashes on yours?It’s from the mod that causes the crash that says it can’t load the server.dll. If you’re running that fine, then, I can only really assume the issue is another file in the mod not loading the DLL, rather than the DLL itself.
Edit: A minor update. Went into the Event Viewer (which I was avoiding doing as I can never find where it shows crash offset codes in Windows 10, and still can’t), and after trying and failing to run FLServer, it spat out this error:
Application pop-up: FLServer.exe - Entry Point Not Found : The procedure entry point ?safe_strcpy@@YAPADPADHPBD@Z could not be located in the dynamic link library C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Freelancer\EXE\Server.dll.
Quick update: I’ve managed to fix the crashes. Because I was running low on options, I started just pulling out files and replacing them with the vanilla’s game’s to see if anything changed. On my first copy-over, which was common.dll, the mod stopped crashing.
Thank you all for the assistance, as i’d probably have given up again and not reached this point without it.