Modding in vanilla Stations of Glorious (dublin) and Ryuku (tohoku)
Good morning !
I would just like to know if it is possible to arrange a station for the player? I mean add storage in one of the deserted stations above?
I’m playing on the vanilla version at the moment and noticed that these two bases are unused. So I would like to use them as storage places for my extra weapons etc. This is difficult to do?
I would like the merchant never to delete what I return to him and that he resells my objects for 0$. If the other services can work with just bots, that would be nice :). I leave the bar deserted. The “Ryuku” Station, for example, should no longer be in the dragons as well perhaps…
Do you think this is possible? I heard that the “Discovery” mod already does that but I don’t know if it’s only for multiplayer or not.
Thank you !
Ryuku can be made into a fully functioning station fairly easily, but, Glourious, Benford, Baxter & BS Osiris are all spawned by scripts and dont actually exist as such before or after the missions that they are in - sole purpose as a mission object. You would have to write their properties into the system ini files. it would also break SP gameflow if you are still using that. Not sure about storage on stations. there is a store.dll for flhook which uses storage depots as nodes - but thats MP only.
Unfortunately, there’s no way to make dynamic storage where you can store your own items. The only place in the game that holds what you pick up is your ship, which stores everything loosely when it’s unequipped.
If you want to get into modding, I suppose you could just keep track of what you own, make a station and give it a Trader NPC that sells copies of those items. Since you wanted them to be 0 (free) you’d have to double-up on existing items by making copies that had a price of 0.
So, let’s say you wanted to ‘store’ a Justice Mk I. You would make a copy of li_gun01_mark01, give it a price of 0 and a new nickname, then sell it at that Trader NPC. You’d then dispose of your one in-game manually for self-imposed balance.
That would be a bit hacky and messy, though it would achieve what you want - having everything you own sold back to you whenever you wanted for $0, as many times as you needed. You’d just need to update the mod yourself with the items whenever you wanted to ‘store’ them.
Thank you for your answer Thaddeus :). It seems too complicated for me unfortunately
Hello traversal ! So if I follow your idea, I should constantly modify the mod to have my objects saved? How is it going on Discovery solo? Otherwise I switch to this mod … . I just want to keep the rare guns and make a little home haha.
I think you could use the extra ships available in Console to do that. Park your ship at the unused base, hitch a ride to buy another ship (which makes no sense given the base is abandoned, but anyway), then xfer equipment between them.
Hey, thanks for your help, I try your idea
I just have to put the files in the EXE folder, and, in game write stop ?
the command for use this console is “hitch” ? I don’t understand
Is my readme really that bad?
No no but i’m not english so with the translator…
I’m sorry for that.
My bad I don"t see you read me in first time , I read that.
Copy [c]console.dll[/c] to your Freelancer [c]EXE[/c] directory.
Edit [c]dacom.ini[/c], add a new line with [c]console.dll[/c] at the end of [c][Llibraries][/c] (after [c]flmaterials.dll[/c] or [c]jflp.dll[/c]).
Now within your game you can press Enter to bring up the chat interface; type [c]help[/c] for a list of commands.
[c]park[/c] will store your current ship on the current base.
[c]hitch[/c] will move you to another base (hitch a ride, since you now have no ship, if there’s no ship dealer on this base, or you don’t want its ships).
Once you’ve got another ship, and are back in the base where you parked your old one, [c]xfer[/c] will allow you to transfer equipment between the two ships.
Great idea, everything works! I don’t know how to thank you but I keep the link of this topic so as not to forget that your help was so precious
THANK YOU to you!
Glad you got it all working! Sorry, did not know you meant in Discovery, I thought you meant Vanilla FL. We are all helpful here, so stop by any time. Modding FL is fun, you should come learn