Dropping all cargo in SP
I’m familiar with this line in shiparch,
fuse = drop_cargo_fuse, 0, 1
which, when you add in the fuse entry for it,
name = drop_cargo_fuse
lifetime = 0.0
death_fuse = true[dump_cargo]
at_t = 0
origin_hardpoint = HpMount[destroy_root]
at_t = 1**means that when you die in multiplayer, all loose cargo and equipment dies with you.
Now i added this to single player and it doesn’t work. Is there any way to achieve total loss of cargo and loose equipment in single player? Or have i missed something?
I mean, what’s the point of dropping equipment when you can load the game where you still have it? Have you disabled save? “I load the autosave”, so apparently not. And what does that mean? Have you removed the cargo & equipment from the autosave? In which case, the original question is moot. What am I missing?
I’m trying to achieve the same thing in SP, that when you die you come back without the cargo you were carrying or any loose equipment like guns or shields you picked up, like in MP with the above addon.
I don’t want to die and still have the cargo i was carrying, pretty simple
Sure, but unless you disable save (or manipulate the files themselves), you simply cannot achieve it. Unless of course this is just for yourself and you’re highly disciplined.
Have you considered local MP, instead?
Are you sure the fuse doesn’t work? A cursory scan through the disassembly didn’t notice anything, and if you load the autosave the equipment would never have been lost. Hm…
The issue simply is while in MP the system remains loaded in its current state because the server software is there to do so, in SP there is no server to keep the system loaded. Once you respawn you reset all the conditions when the last savegame is loaded. There is nothing left to be loaded from your dropped equipment.
Like Adoxa said. Only way would be running a local server.
Only other way would be to have a plugin which tracks player death and all dropped items in the current system and then writes them into the autosave.fl
But the effort for that certainly is very high.
That leads to the next issue. How to load lootcrates back into the game from such a savegame? FL by default does not do that. -
I have my doubts that the way how it works is different in SP. There is no reason why the death fuse would work differently.
The only difference I see is that the SP environment is not persistent and that you reset it by loading a savegame in order to respawn.