Global Server workaround dll freeze the game when you leave
Freelancer Support
This problem has existed for several years but could go unnoticed.
With Windows 7, Freelancer.exe remains in the background.
With Windows 10/11, there is the same problem but in addition the game window freeze and the client must kill Freelancer.exe.Reproduce this problem:
- Without dll
- Launch Freelancer.exe
- Select Multiplayer
- The list does not work
- return to the general menu
- quit and yes
In the task manager Freelancer.exe is no longer available.
- With dll
- Launch Freelancer.exe
- Select Multiplayer
- The list works
- return to the general menu
- quit and yes
In the task manager Freelancer.exe remains available.
When clicking on yes the game window often freezes on W10/11.
I have noticed this problem several times and I have feedback from people around me, strangely nobody here talks about it?!