Biocross Server Management System
I would kill for a 4 year med course in the UK they are like gold-dust, it’s either a 5 year or a 6 year - I’m thinking of going for the 6 year to refresh some old knowledge…
to get a 4 year course in the UK you have to have a degree in something else first - which to me seems stupid as I could get into a 4 year degree course even if my degree was in Geography (you need A-Levels too of course but still…)
anyway thanks for keepin the dev blog open you really didn’t have to
but I will get over there as soon as I can
Ya, in Canada, they force us to do an undergraduate degree. So, all in all, to just even get the MD, you need 8 years. So, 6 isn’t so bad
That doesn’t include a residency which can take upwards of 2-7 years to complete…lol.
Hope you get it released soon, it will only take me a few days to completely write the XML generator. The program is a being built around the Ioncross data maker shell code… should relieve you from having to convert Ioncross files to your format.
Hi, ich schreib das mal auf Deutsch. Da ich nicht so gut englisch kann.
Ich habe das Programm installiert und auch eine Datenbank eingerichtet. Nur leider wenn ich das Tool starte kommt die biocross lade seite, aber das Programm startet nicht. Ich habe auf dem Server die aktuelle netframework installiert ohne erfolg.
Hat jemand ne idee?
From my favourite translation engine (babelfish!) comes this gem:-
"Rear ones, I write times on German. Since I cannot so well English. I installed the program and furnished also a database. Only unfortunately if I start Tools come the biocross load side, but the program does not start. I have the current on the server netframework installed without success.
Does someone have ne idea?"
Anyhow - we get the meaning, you tried but were unsuccessful in installing the current version (3.5?) of .NET Framework.
Yes i have the Netframework v3.5 sp1 installt. Must i have only 3.5 ?
In the Computer Management under the Event Viewer -> Application i have a entry:
Event Type: Error
Event Source: .NET Runtime 2.0 Error Reporting
Event Category: None
Event ID: 5000
Date: 5/8/2010
Time: 1:14:36 AM
User: N/A
Computer: CT23382
EventType clr20r3, P1 biocross server operator.exe, P2, P3 4a7f09fe, P4 biohelper, P5, P6 4a7ad71d, P7 7b, P8 55, P9 40hndr4jb1a2x2mkd2jswshn15z3qarb, P10 NIL. -
Good Evening,
I’ve setup SQL 2008 Express R2 and Biocross RC1. However when I run the main program it simply shutsdown after about 20secs of showing the main image. The updater also gives me a nasty error.
Any info would be helpful. If you need more info just ask please.
I’ll kick Hazard and see if he can come here to help. I’m afraid he doesn’t really maintain Biocross or even visit here anymore, though, so you might have a hard time using it.
That’s a real shame. I was hoping it wasn’t dead. I was going off his last post, which I think was earlier this year.
Not much I can do on this end I guess. Back to Ioncross i guess.
Good thing I didn’t delete my server files for Ion.
Thanks for the reply and if you you do kick him and he returns, then Thank you very much.
Thanks for that, I’m looking at them right now and I do like them so far. Gonna give them a try live and see how they fair.
Biocross works well - i do not remember simply what i did :))
I’m happy that it works for you. I tried for a long time to get it working for me and got rid of it. :evil:
I didn’t know enough about programming to fix it either. I went back to Ioncross and FLShell. Now, that my server is down and all, I give it up until I can get FLAC and a dedicated server for my mod. FLAC seems to be the choice on most servers nowadays and it’s trusted by all. That’s if they’re not using Hook.
I even tried using Igiss program to no avail.
Different stokes for different folks as the saying goes.
I don’t see why Boomz doesn’t allow others to upgrade Ioncross if he’s not going to deal with it anymore but, as it is, there’s no problems with it and it’s compatible with FLAC too.
What do I know, I’m just a n00b. :lol:
Actually, FLHook is the program of choice
I’m not even sure how supported FLAC is at this point, I’ve heard a lot of things of late.
I’ve pretty much dropped Ioncross now and am going to use the DSAM and DSPM for running my server. Coupled with the FLHook plugin 1.6.0, it’s pretty secure and stable.
I looked into FLAC but since this is a free server i’m not going to pay money to secure it. FLHook works wonders.
I’ve also looked into Plasma, the online web management server operator, and it looked promising but unfortunately the gentleman building seems to have quit over 2 years ago.
It almost seems like Freelancer is on it’s last legs unless someone (not me, as I know nothing about coding) starts a new project.
Thanks for the good replies,
It almost seems like Freelancer is on it’s last legs unless someone (not me, as I know nothing about coding) starts a new project.
not so… in fact… FL is well into it’s full stride, this IS truly a golden age…
Biocross looked awesome from what i got to see… but yes… nothing beats the old tried and true IonX and hook for simple server management… don’t forget about shell… it has some nifty stuff too
All IonX needs is the odd tweak (player file corruption etc) and it would be trusted more… it served us all for many a moon, and will continue to serve for many more, that’s not to say you shouldn’t look around… there are plenty of alternatives… its all down to what your planning to achieve.