Server is searching for a coder
the (upcoming) Reborn-Server is searching a coder for FLHook and the Webinterface. Our goal is to creating a vanilla server without mod and no/less lags but with some additional features through FLHook and maybe even through the webinterface. We are also going to use the old clan war system which allowed the clans to conquer enemy systems (conquered systems are more or less only be viewable through the forum and maybe through a Hookmessage when you are entering that system.) We are not going to create a mod which contains clanbases or clansystems. We are also going to have a nice community, and if people lame around they can get banned, also for smaller insults (temporary, we believe if players got banned for this they may learned their lesson and will be friendlier to other players and generally more flameless.) This doesnt mean that we ban all players or only our enemies away, we just want to have a nice community.We got some old features from server which got closed a half year ago. We got the features from the former owner(s)/admins, and maybe worth to mention that two admins of Drachennest are know also admins of Reborn (from 3, if you want to count me too, but more or less I am only board admin and when I installed everything and it is working fine I may cancel this job because of stress in school, we’ll see.)
FLHook features:
If group members are killing each other a message will be shown in chat who wons how often (ok, the font is maybe a bit big :X) Message will be shown like “Bas (80/4/76) 9:2 Diabolos(5/90/-85)”
/serverhunt - If 6 (or was it 10?) players are online, the server will ask a player if he wants to participate in a bountyhunt - for each system he reach he will get 500k - A player who kills him will get 2.500.000$
/help, /hilfe
Everyone who kills another player with a minimum level will get some credits for each kill (got disabled at DN, because of abuse and also cries of some community-members)
As far as I remember, the normal formula for killing someone waslevel (of the lower player) * 100 * fraction boni ```but not totally sure about that. AFAIK boni can be from *3 to *-2 (if for example a [H]unter killes a [H]) [X] pirate - Will get more money from [P]olice, rader and [H]unter [H]unter - Will get more money from [X] and (S). Can also get the ingamebounties from the bountyboard (command: /getjobs, atm buggy and not working. You can set up a job like this /addjob Diabolus (name) 666 (kills) 666 (credits per kill) For having love with his dog (reason, optional.) [M]iner - a miner gets more goods from asteroid/gold etc. fields [P]olice - polices will get more money from [X] and (S)muggler - smugglers gets bonusses for their illegal goods. They are also able to sell nomad and artefact guns in the main systems (at the main planet) for 100k As I mentioned above, the death penalty is disabled and only the positive effects are enabled (trade boni, miner boni, smuggler boni). And that some fractions are also loosing money if they kill a member of their faction or an allied faction (P -> T, for example). And you had to pay (disabled) if you land somewhere, this was intended to give clans some credits if they held a station, system etc. You had to pay very few credits, maybe 10k per landing (max, you dont have to re-pay if you respawn there) And here the Webinterface: * The webinterface allows the players to add their characters to the interfacelist, and chars can be tagged as clan chars * You can upload and transfer credits to the webinterface and back to your characters * The webinterface "rents/sells" depots to players where they can "upload" their weapons to the interface. Weapons can only can get back there where they got uploaded. Also, you can only upload items in Tau-23, Omicron Theta, New-Berlin, New-Tokyo, New York (and modsystem, but guess we dont will use any (bigger) mod in the future) * Shows the money that the clan has (afaik read out from all chars tagged as clan chars) * Clan leaders can create clan news * PvP statistics (it was also planned to integrate war statistics for clans), but unfortunaly they were buggy. Sometimes it simply stopped to count the kills/deaths further. * And EVERYTHING in original FL graphics! What could be integrated, besides bug-fixes, of course, FLHook: An enable/disable option for Death Penalties, only if BOTH players have enabled it the killer will get some credits. (Just an idea of mine :X) Webinterface: Unfortunaly, the whole webinterface was based at the vBulletin board, that means it has to be rewritten for PHPBB(3) Since I dont know how it is programmed I cant say how much work this would be Fixed pvp stats and added war stats Also the tool for calculating some stats got lost. I got the interface but I dont really know what would work and what not… Anyone interested in this server project?