3D Model Showroom
Oh yes, we like those, the Koi is luverly. Wonder if the other one will fit through a docking ring?
Brilliant work.
Gibbon - if not, they can dock on a mooring fixture.
Those capitals feel very Homeworld 2 Vaygr-ey, they’re nice though.
I made this model by myself, and in a compare to the work i saw here, my model is just LAME! For you, it will take only a few seconds to make it. Not for me… All I know to do I learned from tutorials I read, without the help of teachers and stuff.
Here are the screenshots:For a beginner I think it is good… What is your opinion?
I made this model for a Freelancer mod I made called “Knowledge of Sirius”. I want my mod to be good. Not better then the best Freelancer mods, but a mod that people will download and play on. Even “nice” will be enough for me, but not “bad”. Anubis agreed to make models for the mod but he doesn’t answer my requests. If you want to help me send a PM.
For information about the mod go to:
http://www.moddb.com/mods/freelancer-knowledge-of-sirius -
@ Gibbon and Frosaken the models are great,
my compliments to you both -
goodness, the capital is amazing! beautifully textured.
OK guys, you can ignore my post…
lol. we aren’t
its ok. it is, excuse me, nothing exciting but my first models were even much worse, so keep it up, maybe youre gonna make a name for yourself in the 3d graphics branch^^ -
some of my models, Some with textures some without.
http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k13/gurjiv/gallicDRfinal1.jpgPNG renders (smaller versions)
http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k13/gurjiv/finalDR2-1.pngits a gallic docking ring for planets for the disco mod. model made by mouth shot, textured and put ingame by me.
(well, ill be putting it ingame, i still have to do the animations for the CMP
any help needed with that?
sorry bout that, i kinda got caught up with #$%%. <_<
as it stands, i think ill be alright, but if your offer still stands and if i run into problems, ill bug you.
feel free any time, m8
I like that. Looks good! Can’t wait to see it textured.