3D Model Showroom
Much like the effects show room,
I’ll start this one off:From Freelancer:Black Dawn, (mind the rubbish textures, it just helps to see the static image easier)
http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e143/dark1angle1/Birdseye.jpgFrom that, mine are the 3rd largest and largest ships, simply just modified polygons, of the official halo ships, hitting at around 5-7k polys
To these beauties:
The Covenant “CSC” Scout Cruiser
http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e143/dark1angle1/ccs_scout3.jpgCovenant something or other, Not sure what it should be yet
http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e143/dark1angle1/Covenant_corvette_2.jpg -
Hehe, not FL related, but i like how this project turned out lol
Moved to Modelling Section
dont you lol at me Wolfie
tho… my tutor decided to give this project 63% -_-
also… stickied.
Somehow I don’t think that there is this less modelers in Freelancer still around,
So come on ladies, get your stuff outI would like to see some of your works :D.
Something Im working on. Its not perfectly textured yet. Tweaking UV’s take some time especially since I’m not a pro at it.
This line of ships was produced by DFM Engineering founded by brilliant team of ex-Ageria enginneers and technicians. Capitalizing upon the recent increase in Outcast attacks against the IMG and GMG in the Tau’s. DFM Engineering managed to to secure a shared exclusive shipbuilding contract for the IMG and the GMG. There have been reports of the Lane Hackers flying these ships, experts speculate that there are sympathizers to the Lane Hacker cause within the companies ranks. These reports have caused much worry for law enforcement and corporate entities. In the past, despite Lane Hacker, advanced IFF spoofing technology, many veteran transports were able to quickly identify Lane Hackers due to the distincitive shape of the Borderworlds Fighters flown by Lane Hackers and take evasive action. With the new shipline, the Lane Hackers are striking with more impunity. Recently blamed for attacks against the LPI the IMG have stated that these assaults are the work of the Lane Hackers with fake IMG IFF codes.
This does not really pertain to anything in particular. I just finished watching Macross Frontier, and inspired by the awesome fleet scenes they do I decided to do something similar with Freelancer ships. I ran into a problem though. I had no awesome central ship to base the fleet around. So four furious hours of modeling later, this came out. Completely made up on the spot, I’m proud of how well it turned out considering the lack of planning.
Yes, that little thing on the bottom of the image is a Liberty Dreadnought.
Finished the video I was working on. Quick 25 seconds. Once again I curse this forums auto-embed of YouTube videos.
Copy-Paste this to get high quality. Don’t follow the actual link, only copy paste.
Also Click Here for absolute best quality.
TWO word: Impressive and Awesome!!!
Can’t do anything but watch that movie over and over again. Plain magnificent, like a part of an intro to an FL mod. What did you render it all with? Magnificent.
Blends in so well with the FL environment, this ship is like if it was always a part of the FL universe. Genius.
Any longer version? This is like a movie ;D
OMG, how did you made this
Hmm, we are lucky to have you registered on Plasmafire ;D -
Can’t do anything but watch that movie over and over again. Plain magnificent, like a part of an intro to an FL mod. What did you render it all with? Magnificent.
Blends in so well with the FL environment, this ship is like if it was always a part of the FL universe. Genius.
Any longer version? This is like a movie ;D
Everytime the video ends I keep waiting for a Freelancer TV series to start.
This was done in Lightwave 3D. Some time ago I exported roughly half of the ship models in Freelancer and have been using them for miscellaneous projects since then. You can see the rest of the renders I have done both here and here
Hey Why, I noticed in one of those threads that you were having probs with importing guns. Try the newer CMP Importer v2.7 here in the downloads section, by P!p3r. Just checked with the liberty cruiser gun (in the ship’s dir) and it imports flawlessly. As do the Dyson and Nomad turrets which show up as triangle soup in HardCMP.
Good fleet shot there, nice mod of the lrg base too, looks natural. Only thing - perhaps a window / barrier of some sort at the end of the “dome” area to seal out space. The HQ vid looks great, quite comparable to the Macross fleet shots, or BSG even
I don’t think the contrails are missed, I mean they’re more an atmospheric thing, in space they just don’t make sense anyhoo.
I dug the new series, but some of their mixing 2d with 3d looked a bit off. Particularly the transformation and fight scenes. Those were some of my fav parts in the first robotech or macross series; very fast flight & transforms, and missile volley / evasions.
Ya know, that damn Frontier theme song was often stuck in my head too -as were most of the others.PS: Lightwave’s OBJ format for MS import works better than 3DS imho; no leftover DOS 8.3 naming restrictions. The only thing you have to change to get them in as intended is by planning ahead and separating sections like how Milkshape works with Groups (1 texture mapped on each mesh). Unfortunately, that can lead to over 18 groups on large, complex models
Hey Why, I noticed in one of those threads that you were having probs with importing guns. Try the newer CMP Importer v2.7 here in the downloads section, by P!p3r. Just checked with the liberty cruiser gun (in the ship’s dir) and it imports flawlessly. As do the Dyson and Nomad turrets which show up as triangle soup in HardCMP.
PS: Lightwave’s OBJ format for MS import works better than 3DS imho; no leftover DOS 8.3 naming restrictions. The only thing you have to change to get them in as intended is by planning ahead and separating sections like how Milkshape works with Groups (1 texture mapped on each mesh). Unfortunately, that can lead to over 18 groups on large, complex models
I’m not too fond of the whole Milkshape conversion mess. And putting models into Freelancer has never been a top priority for me, but this is duly noted.
Good fleet shot there, nice mod of the lrg base too, looks natural. Only thing - perhaps a window / barrier of some sort at the end of the “dome” area to seal out space. The HQ vid looks great, quite comparable to the Macross fleet shots, or BSG even
I don’t think the contrails are missed, I mean they’re more an atmospheric thing, in space they just don’t make sense anyhoo.
I really wanted to make sure that the model looked like it belonged in the Freelancer universe. So what better way to ensure that then to “kitbash” Freelancer models together. The ships geometry comes from Newark Station and Juneu Shipyard. The bottom half of the central section is the only original geometry. Also the dome area is completely sealed off. It’s just that unless it gets hit by the light just the right way it is tough to see, particularly in video. Contrails I didn’t do because I honestly cannot think of an effective way to do it ;D
I dug the new series, but some of their mixing 2d with 3d looked a bit off. Particularly the transformation and fight scenes. Those were some of my fav parts in the first robotech or macross series; very fast flight & transforms, and missile volley / evasions.
Ya know, that damn Frontier theme song was often stuck in my head too -as were most of the others.I loved Frontier. After the second episode I was completely hooked. I had heard good things about it, and when I finally got around to watching it, (Coincidentally only about 3 weeks after the show finished airing.) I was completely blown away by the quality of the show. It is definitely a show for Macross fans. I thought the animation was terrific. Off the top of my head, I had no issues with the 2D/3D mix at all. The only time I thought it looked a little off sometimes was in Macross Zero, but they have improved greatly since then. At the moment, Frontier is definitely my favorite “serious” anime series.
Sorry to get away from your discussion, but I wanted to show off Redwolf’s (part of WCDI team) latest ship for our current project (not Griff’s CEP). We still need a texturer badly though. And for future questions, those pilots are the default pilots from FL; same sized.
http://i276.photobucket.com/albums/kk27/alfaastrix/Hadron Universe/Show Off/FullEx.jpg?t=1226904195