[Latest] The new order mod 58.64 - heros of serius
The new order mod 58.64 - heros of serius
hello everybody i am hear to announce there is a new order mod available for download 58.64 i call it the heros of serius. basically what this mod is about the nomads and the rebel faction navys are at it again. they are bombarding all major areas of the serius sector. it has gotten so bad president jacobi made an anouncement that freelancer flee liberty, kysari, and rhineland space for the time being. so all new players start at bw1 at the zoners base with a dromdery. they also get 50,000 credits also i have gone thru other order mods and found some useful files. i uped the cruise speed to 650 and uped the equipment to ammo to 70 -
Really, Cheesey!!
It’s “Heroes of SIRIUS”!!
Seriusly now…!!
<snigger>:D :D</snigger> -
hey lol!
i just read it, then format it, then do a spell check, problem is i suck at english so im the last person you wanna be getting a spellcheck from ^_^
haters not allowed. the evil empire revolution server is down and problably will never be up again . thanks for all the support the starport has given but rude comments about what i do will not be toleraeted. i work hard and invest alot of money in what i do with runing an online server. the comstant cheating and just rude people are bringing this community down . so another server bites the dust.
wait wtf? why is this apeparing as new comment even tho its OLD.
You most likely never read the topic and now are caught in a flagrant act of gravedigging? ;D
Hey guys, did rsabatino really throw in his towel at the first bell?
It was just a friendly jab in humour, no offence meant as most people must realise. Now I feel guilty. I need to take an Aspirin.
No, on second thoughts, I’ll stop my game server!
Darn! Nobody actually plays there much, it’s running TNG!
Third thoughts… I’ll get on with my new mod.
no i threw in the towel because i am divorced and all of the bills are on me now. runing two computers cost me like $60.00 a month in electric bills alone also i just got fed up with irob cross server operator everytime i changed a mod or did anything it meant i had to format my xp computer. the last straw happened when i thought i had everything tight and working. the iron cross server operator was not updateing the players. i would be im magellin and the iron cross would say i am in manhatten. so that really pissed me off. so i said the hell with it i am playing on galactica 2.0 so see everybody in space.