Any Rock Band folks here?
As the title implies, anyone here play Rock Band 2 (XBox 360) online? I find it’s a great game to kill time in-between class and work, and wanted to know if anyone here would be up for some good old plastic jamming.
Tag: foxBabble
Guitar / Bass: Expert
Drums: Hard/Expert
Vocals: Hard/ExpertI have all of the Rock Band 1 songs imported and roughly 60 DLC tracks (of note full The Who pack, Boston pack, and bunch of other stuff). I can take on anything thrown my way on expert Guitar or Bass (yes, I play finger-bass too =P), and just about anything on hard Drums or Vocals (I’ll fail pretty fast on Expert if I don’t know the song on that instrument though), so I’m decently equipped for some high-level World Tour if anyone needs another band member. =D
have no money for rockband
ill stick to my gibson
Well, the thing about the Guitar Hero / Rock Band games is that they are just that - video games that are easy to have fun with, especially at parties. I realize it may be easy to shun the games and the people that play them as "musical wanna-be"s - however, I also know plenty of musicians (some of whom I live with in my residence hall) who love playing them.
Anyways, back on the original topic; any Freelancers who play Rock Band?
Edit: Also, Gibbon, have you tried the Rock Band drums at all? I have a brother who has played drums for almost 10 years, and he swears that they’re not much different than playing a real electric kit - and that the game is, in ways, a pretty decent drum trainer.
Funny you mention drums as that’s what i play lol. I’ll stick to my Pearl kit but i know what you mean about these things being fun, just not my thing, although i saw some 10 yr old doing a half decent impression of Slash the other day, it’s those damn coloured buttons on the guitar, just doesn’t look right lol
Edit: Also, Gibbon, have you tried the Rock Band drums at all? I have a brother who has played drums for almost 10 years, and he swears that they’re not much different than playing a real electric kit - and that the game is, in ways, a pretty decent drum trainer.
Me and my lady friend had a go on Rock Band last week, me on bass an her on drums, and she said very much the same. I also noticed the same for the singing as well, it simply checks if your voice is hitting the note, so it can train you to sing in tune. Overall, its a pretty cool game other than the guitar and bass parts. I actually found playing bass on there harder than I really find playing bass, and ditto to guitar. Having only 5 buttons is just silly. I tried hysteria on the bass on there and was like o.O
It’s possible that I’m used to open strings and 10th and 12th frets…But no, I don’t play it
Sorry, I hope I didn’t sound insulting in my post. Point taken; playing on a kit with real heads versus pads does have a way different feel, since you have more of a bounce. I liked it, but it was kinda hard to control. lol Guess I’ve got a long way to go. =P