@Timmy51m Yeah I checked that and it doesnt change anything. But at least I found out it even exists in freelancer.ini
@Livsi Thanks Livsi, I will try that
@Livsi Wow, thats some useful info thanks!!
Do you have some tutorials for this? I would love to learn more but the only thing out there I “found” is the bar maker tool which does not explain what those “A” and "B"s and all those PCU and TCI and other camera entries do.
@Livsi Ok my apologies, I was doing things for Rochester which is li01_13_base
But my question remains. I want to have even more NPCs, EVERY chair is to be used by NPC so they sit like 3 people at one table. It is already properly set in the script but if you set density to a value 8 or bigger it doesnt change anything.
Seems like its Maximum 1 NPC can sit at one table.
@Livsi As I stated above, the character_density does NOT change the maximum number of NPCs at the bar. Just check in-game that while you have character_density = 7, you still have only 4 NPCs at the bar. So, something else is responsible for that.
Hi guys,
Can anyone explain how to increase the number of NPCs at any bar?
Its definitely NOT character_density = in mbases.ini as this will not add NPCs so they sit/stand at every place in a bar.
We checked for example Buffalo base li01_12_base (it has 6 GF_NPCs ready at mbases.ini + 1 bartender) and according to its THN file for hardpoints (spawn places for NPCs) there is a LOT of those spawn points.
entity_name = “Zg/NPC/mFloor1/01/A/Stand”,
entity_name = “Zg/NPC/mTable4/01/A/SitLow”,
entity_name = “Zg/NPC/mTable4/01/B/SitLow”,
entity_name = “Zg/NPC/mTable4/01/C/SitLow”,
entity_name = “Zg/NPC/mTable4/01/D/SitLow”,entity_name = “Zg/NPC/mTable4/02/A/SitLow”,
entity_name = “Zg/NPC/mTable4/02/B/SitLow”,
entity_name = “Zg/NPC/mTable4/02/C/SitLow”,
entity_name = “Zg/NPC/mTable4/02/D/SitLow”,entity_name = “Zg/NPC/mTable4/03/A/SitLow”,
entity_name = “Zg/NPC/mTable4/03/B/SitLow”,
entity_name = “Zg/NPC/mTable4/03/C/SitLow”,
entity_name = “Zg/NPC/mTable4/03/D/SitLow”,entity_name = “Zg/NPC/mTable4/04/A/SitLow”,
entity_name = “Zg/NPC/mTable4/04/B/SitLow”,
entity_name = “Zg/NPC/mTable4/04/C/SitLow”,
entity_name = “Zg/NPC/mTable4/04/D/SitLow”,entity_name = “Zg/NPC/mTable4/05/A/SitLow”,
entity_name = “Zg/NPC/mTable4/05/B/SitLow”,
entity_name = “Zg/NPC/mTable4/05/C/SitLow”,
entity_name = “Zg/NPC/mTable4/05/D/SitLow”,entity_name = “Zg/NPC/mTable4/06/A/SitLow”,
entity_name = “Zg/NPC/mTable4/06/B/SitLow”,
entity_name = “Zg/NPC/mTable4/06/C/SitLow”,
entity_name = “Zg/NPC/mTable4/06/D/SitLow”,
But no matter what, there are ALWAYS only 3 generic NPCs + 1 bartender. They change their locations which just confirms that those locations are properly set for a spawn, but they are always ONLY 4 NPCs. You can change the character density how you like but it wont add the max amount of NPCs. IS it hardcoded somewhere?
@Timmy51m Yeah its weird you couldnt launch the mod, Me and my friend have no problems with that.
But thanks guys for trying
My mod is not fully done yet and right now I dont want to share it until its finished so for now this post can be either deleted or postponed.
Yeah, Timmy is right. Use any other save that was created before (preferably the ones you created).
Never use autosaves
@Gold_Sear Thats ok, but thanks for trying. I am still using that trick with turning off Cosmos’s invincibility and it works, no issues in campaign so far.
Only plugins I use are Adoxa Ammo Limit and his storylvl plugin. That’s all
HERE are offset I am currently using (should be all)
00 -> 80 soundmanager.dll 00A021 adoxa Continue playing Freelancer’s audio when Alt-Tabbed (Part 1).
00 -> 80 soundstreamer.dll 0018A9 adoxa Continue playing Freelancer’s audio when Alt-Tabbed (Part 2).9999999f freelancer.exe 1CAEE8 Dev Maximum value of any single good.
D9 44 24
C2 08 00 server.dll 00AFC0 adoxa Energy weapons don’t damage power.0F 87 -> 90 E9 freelancer.exe 07C943 adoxa Remove class info from equipment.
0F 85 8A 01 00 00 -> E9 8B 01 00 00 90 freelancer.exe 08053E BC46 Allows the purchase of equipment for which no free hardpoint is available on the player’s ship.
74 -> EB freelancer.exe 1B2665 adoxa Keep Freelancer running in the background when Alt-Tabbed, but not the window.
1D -> 00 freelancer.exe 11D281 adoxa Missiles continuously fire when holding button.
0F -> 2F freelancer.exe 00014E BC46 Allows Freelancer to use 4GB of virtual memory instead of 2GB.
8A 50 -> EB 0C freelancer.exe 05685F BC46 Skip story cinematics (excluding space cutscenes) with the Esc key, like in the FL Beta.
2500f content.dll 11C2C4 Vital Distance at which NPC mission target ships in randommissions are created.
2625f content.dll 0F17D9 Vital Distance at which NPC wave ships in randommissions are created.
3500f content.dll 11C2C8 Vital Core retreat distance from randommission waypoint, modified by below offset.
2000f content.dll 11C2CC Vital Max range at which randommission NPCs will engage enemies; outside of this range, their behavior will be strange (fly around in circles, ignore fire, etc).
1775d content.dll 11BC80 Dev Initial NPC max spawn distance in SP and MP (such as after respawn).
2500d content.dll 11BC68 Dev NPC max spawn distance in SP and MP.
2500f content.dll 0D3C36 fox Maximum distance that NPCs will persist in SP.
2500f content.dll 0C4974 fox Patrol_path NPC min spawn distance check, patrol_path spawns below this distance will be rejected; use this in tandem with above to raise patrol_path spawn ranges.
7C -> EB common.dll 0E698E adoxa Some planets keep on spinning.
Ive changed quite a lot of them. I would have to go one by one to remember what were all those changes from 101 Offsets
I am planning to play this weekend, I hope I will get to the final mission to see if there are any problems
@Gold_Sear Ok I did what you told me and… OH MAN
It actually helped. I could damage his shield as usual.
I put the line back, load the save - bug was back.
I deleted the line again, load the save - bug was gone.
I will keep it like this as I dont think its important to have Cosmo invulnerbale before he meets the player.Anyway, I am glad that finally something works!
Thank you!!!
First, he had a normal shield (there are no NPC or player shields, there are just shields at my mod) - it didn’t work. Then I changed the values of that shield to have 0 regen, but he was still bugged. So I created a completely new shield just for him, and it didn’t help either.
Yes, We tried (on 2 different PCs) completely new fresh installs, new save, everything - absolutely nothing helped. I would bet 100 bucks that nobody on Starport would be able to figure it out
That’s how much I am sure I did nothing wrong.
In the end, I created a new shield for him and put there some lore-friendly explanation that the shield burned out so it’s not working. Its cheesy but I don’t have a year to fix random bug)
Yes. And I am 100% sure it’s not about load-outs or shields. As I stated, only Cosmo is bugged, every other NPC that has the same shield is running fine + even when I gave him a custom cosmo_shield, just for him, with 1000 capacity and 0 regen, 0 threshold etc, the bug was still there. My friend and I tried 20 combinations of load-outs and nothing changed the outcome. I even copypasted the original M02 folder to my mod, hoping that maybe some bit got lost somewhere but still nothing, that stupid smuggler just doesnt want to lose his shield.
And you are right Cosmo is not supposed to die, you are supposed to take his HP below 50%, and then the animation plays. Unfortunately there is nothing related to shield within triggers which is even worse because there is no logic reason why this bug is happening
Hi boys, I am posting this question even here as I am really desperate.
In my own mod, Cosmo is bugged for some reason - his shield won’t go under 10%. No matter what loadout he has, no matter what weapon I fire, it always stops being damaged at 10% of max shield capacity, then it regens back.
I tried different load-outs for him, but nothing helped, and only Cosmo is bugged, other NPCs having the same loadout are fine.
I did not touch any story mission .ini files so I do not understand how the only one NPC may have this issue.Please I beg you give me some tips because I am losing my hair as there is no reasonable explanation for this.
Thanks guys, you taught me a lot
I will make sure its properly balanced
Hi guys, me again
Could changing equip = infinite_power on NPC load-outs to a normal player ship reactor cause some issues? Would there be some CTD because NPC ships could suddenly have not enough power to shoot if they go all crazy? Will AI count with “limited power = spare some shots” ?
The same goes for NPC shields. If I change all NPCs to use normal shields like a player, is there some hidden problem that could occur? Why would vanilla have NPC shield equipment anyway?
Thank you!!
Thank you Caenen, I will try this!
Hi guys,
I just finished my work on load-outs for Ageira, and I would like to try some random missions against them. However, I couldn’t find any mission on any station belonging to Ageira’s enemies.
Could you please tell me how to find such missions?
How to set a random mission against them
Lets say from Xenos Ouray Base against Ageira in Colorado. -
@Timmy51m Thanks Timmy, you are absolutely right. I am working in the game industry as a QA Engineer so it is literally my job to test everything
It took me already weeks to test things that Ive managed to get into my modded game and I am still not even in half. But slowly its moving forward.
Just a quick question, is Freelancer restart always needed to see changes in ini files? I’ve been doing that for the last 2 months but maybe I am doing it wrong.
Amount of NPCs at a bar
Amount of NPCs at a bar
Amount of NPCs at a bar
Amount of NPCs at a bar
Amount of NPCs at a bar
Amount of NPCs at a bar
NPC Shield wont go under 10%
Freelancer story glich and save editing
NPC Shield wont go under 10%
NPC Shield wont go under 10%
NPC Shield wont go under 10%
NPC Shield wont go under 10%
NPC Shield wont go under 10%
NPC Shield wont go under 10%
NPC Shield wont go under 10%
NPC Loadout - Shields and Reactors
NPC Loadout - Shields and Reactors
Missions against Ageira
Missions against Ageira
Story Mission level requirement