NPC Loadout - Shields and Reactors
Hi guys, me again
Could changing equip = infinite_power on NPC load-outs to a normal player ship reactor cause some issues? Would there be some CTD because NPC ships could suddenly have not enough power to shoot if they go all crazy? Will AI count with “limited power = spare some shots” ?
The same goes for NPC shields. If I change all NPCs to use normal shields like a player, is there some hidden problem that could occur? Why would vanilla have NPC shield equipment anyway?
Thank you!!
Anecdotally, I’ve heard that the first point does work, and limits the NPCs to shoot within the confines of whatever powerplant they are spawned with. I dont think it will change the behaviour of how they shoot, you would need to mess with ai/pilot settings for that iirc.
For shields, yes you can give NPCs player shields and it works fine, I’ve done that myself. The biggest thing to lookout for (speaking from experience
) is to make sure you spell the new shield equipment correctly, as it is formatted differently to the NPC shield equipments.
NPC shields don’t recharge, player shields do. You’re going to have to think about the balance effect of them having rechargeable shields and not being able to fire all of their guns flat out if you change out power plants, because they will still keep firing a single gun rather than stop and recharge unless they’re evading.
Thanks guys, you taught me a lot
I will make sure its properly balanced