I sent you a PM.
As for your questions:
-Changeing colors ranges from easy to hard,
depending on how the textures were created in the first place.In case of the yamato in this mod it is rather easy as the
textures contain simple shapes and no normal mapping.The other texture is an example I made, where you pretty much need
the source files to change anything easily.-Other ships are a lot of work, because even if you find
models online you need to all the hardpoints to them,
create surs, export models, code all the equipment and ship
entries for them, add effects and sounds, etc.
And then you need to test everything and hunt down mysterious bugs and crashes.
As an example just this one ship needed ~800 Lines of code(not counting the ale code)-Adding ship merchants is easy, but adding new ships
to existing vendors is even easier, so do that.But anyways, I won’t do this for you, but if you are serious,
we should meet in mumble/teamspeak/discord -
No, your saves are not gone, they just lie in a different folder.
Because the mod folder in FLMM\mods\ is called differently, FLMM thinks it is a different mod and separates the save files.
Now you have got three options(in order of my recommendation):
-Move the files manually:
They are in C:\Users$USERNAME\My Documents\My Games\Freelancer\Accts\SinglePlayer\yamatoshipmod
and move them to the V1.2 folder-Turn off the mod and FLMM and rename the mod folder to match the old name
-Turn off the automatic save file moving im FLMM
Works on my machine
Jokes aside, my suspicion is that you are using a newer version of FLMM, hence the differences. But as always adoxa is right on track.
However the moors.dll thing is a blunder on my part, sorry for that.
To make up for my mistakes I created a new hopefully fixed Version. I didn’t find time to test this though. -
Well, that is a strange one, as the code for the ship sale is the same, regardless which option you choose.
Only the drone is sold at planet Junyo in vanilla and the mod just adds the yamato as the second ship that is sold there.Please check the file DATA\EQUIPMENT\market_ships.ini for its contents,
It should contain the following:[Base Good] base = Ku02_04_base marketgood = kfr_package, 10, -1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1 [...] marketgood = yamato_package, 20, -1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1
So I managed to understand how the story missions do this:
With triggered fuses that destroy the shield generator and the attached equipment to disable the particle emitter
Seriosly DA? m(I also tried to add geometry to the [Shield] object from select_equip,
but either the texture or the 3db model is not loaded,
resulting in an invisible mesh. So that doesn’t work either. -
I haven’t played with it that much, but I found some old seemingly relevant posts:
https://the-starport.net/freelancer/forum/viewtopic.php?post_id=23760#forumpost23760I think a lot of the confusion arises from two factors:
If zones that spawn encounters overlap
Freelancer spawns encounters, not individual ships! E.g The zone is one ship below max battle size, so Fl spawns an encounter. If this encounter includes five ships, it will spawn five ships and not only one, going over the maximum
Hello Everyone,
I’m currently trying to create a shield that displays an ale effect, as long as it is not depleted/online.
Kinda the opposite of what shield_collapse_particle does.Things I tried:
Make it a shield_hit_effect that runs infinite
-Works as intended, but is not centered on the ship, instead where it was hit.
-You have to get hit first, before that nothing is displayed
-You get one instance for each of the first four? hits, which means a lot of particles -
-Make it an attached Fx
-Works, but of course the effect does not stop when the shield goes down
[d]I don’t fully understand how the story missions handle this,[/d]
but it looks like some fuse trickery which won’t work in my case.I have not found a solution to this yet. Attached is an image of the attached_fx variant.
Am I missing something/any ideas I can try? -
Just as a workaround:
You can press Toggle Mouse Flight key (default:spacebar) to toggle mouse flight on or off.But it seems LMB cannot be rebind in Freelancer by default, that would probably require hex editing.
The other way I can think of is remapping the buttons with something like autohotkey, but that does have its downsides as well… -
Das überrascht mich, wenn ich den Link anklicke bekomme ich ein zip mit dem Quelltext und einer ausführbaren Datei.
Mit der tini.exe kannst du dann Dateien entpacken. -
Also in Pascal weiß ich nicht, aber adoxa hat da was in C++.
http://adoxa.altervista.org/freelancer/tools.html#tiniEdit: Link angepasst
Erstmal vorweg:
Ich habe sowas noch nie probiert, deshalb musst du alles weitere selber testen/verifizieren.
Grundsätzlich ist es FL egal wo was steht, du kannst alles überall definieren.ABER: Manche Dinge referenzieren andere Dinge, die daher schon vorher eingelesen sein müssen.
Ich mach mal ein Beispiel:
Im System steht, daß da ein Asteroid sein soll.
Das kann aber nur funktionieren, wenn man uberhaupt weiß was für Asteroiden es gibt.Freelancer bestimmt die Reihenfolge aber nicht selber, sondern hat dafür eine Liste in der diese Reihenfolge steht, in der EXE\freelancer.ini.
Du kannst sicher neue Dateien in die Liste einbauen, du musst dir nur gut überlegen in welcher Reihenfolge du sie einfügst, sonst bekommst du bestimmt einen schönen Absturz.
Naja ich möchte jetzt nicht als Kapitän Klaro darstehen, aber FlDatastorm und FLModStudio existieren. Das sollte dir die Mühe ersparen.
Was weitere Fragen angeht. schau mal in der MDB vorbei. Ich habe da schon viel Energie reingesteckt, einige Dinge zu dokumentieren. Ist natürlich nicht vollständig, aber schonmal ein guter Startpunkt.
Wracks sind schon erstmal Solarobjekte.
Ein Solar definiert ein statisches Objekt, daß man dann in einem System platzieren kann. Also wie man es referenziert, wieviel Lebenspunkte, welches 3D-Modell, etc.
Die fuse Zeile sorgt dann für das freilassen der Gegenstände bei unterschreiten von x Lebenspunkten.(hier 3590)
Aus solararch.ini:nickname = suprise_ge_armored fuse = fuse_suprise_drop_loot, 0.000000, 3590
Solare können auch Ausrüstung haben, z.B. Geschütztürme aus loadouts.ini.
Im System wird dann definiert, wo das Wrack ist, welches Wrack es ist und welche Ausrüstung es hat. Bei unterschreiten der 3590 Leben wird alle Ausrüstung freigesetzt.
Aus IW04.ini:
[Object] nickname = Iw04_suprise_ge_armored_1 archetype = suprise_ge_armored loadout = SECRET_armored_iw04
Ausserdem gibt es viele loadout Dateien einige unter SOLAR und weitere unter SHIPS. In welcher das loadout steht ist Freelancer soweit ich weiß egal, da musst du suchen.
As per your request, I added some docking options.
To fix your docking problems, you can either use the moor code from the new balancing or rename docking_ringx2_lod.sur
Just my two cents:
Unless you can find free as in freedom 3D models online you are probably on your own. What you are asking for is hundreds of hours of work, if you need to create the models first or >20 hours if you find models and know what you are doing. Add even more for custom equipment (models). -
Are you playing on their server? If so, your local settings are likely overridden. Beware that such modifications may be flagged as cheating.
Apart from that, in my mod every ship has a different (cruising)speed, because I added a second engine to them.
Like I said there are other influencing factors. -
You can find it in constants.ini
Although other factors can influence it as well… -
basic-meme wrote:
You sure? Near as I can tell, just changing the system’s .ini file seems to have worked. I changed Pittsburgh to be controlled by Bretonia Police, a faction I’m currently neutral with, and when I flew out into space, Pittsburgh was neutral and it even said “Police Base” (normally, it says “DSE Base”) when I hovered my mouse pointer over it. As an additional test, I changed Fort Bush to be controlled by the Liberty Rogues, who are hostile to me. Sure, enough, when I flew out there, Fort Bush was hostile, said “Rogues Base”, and it even had Bounty Hunters shooting at it. I took a look at universe.ini (in the “DATA/UNIVERSE” folder) and it didn’t seem to have the usual faction and reputation text strings in it.
I never said that what you did doesn’t work, just that it may be incomplete. I admit that I don’t know what it does or if it is used at all, but I was refering to the
BGCS_base_run_by = XY ```line. I Imagine it may have something to do with space chatter. As to your other questions, I created a short [wik](https://the-starport.net/modules/mediawiki/index.php/Randommissions_Tutorial)i entry for the randommissions. I know that it is not complete, but I think it should be enough to get a good overview. For detailed questions the forum search should be able to answer most questions. I will try to fill in the dead links in the next days.
I see you are a man of culture as well.
You are absolutely right about Yukikaze, although I’m surprised that you know about it. The one exception is obvioulsy the Gundam.
The models are quite detailed, with their own cockpit, breakable wings/parts, custom weapon/missile models and ale effects. The only thing that is missing is LODs.
They are also free to use and available on moddb in case anyone is interested.
Space Battleship Yamato/Star Blazers mod wanted
Space Battleship Yamato/Star Blazers mod wanted
Space Battleship Yamato/Star Blazers mod wanted
Space Battleship Yamato/Star Blazers mod wanted
Space Battleship Yamato/Star Blazers mod wanted
Shield Effect
Trying to understand how NPC spawning works?
Shield Effect
Mouse movement and other customizations
Suche Pascal Quellcode BINI <–> INI Dateien
Suche Pascal Quellcode BINI <–> INI Dateien
Includieren von .INI Dateien
Größe der System Karte wie ermitteln / wo finden?
Wracks finden
Space Battleship Yamato/Star Blazers mod wanted
Mod request: New Fighters
Search for Ship Cruising speed
Search for Ship Cruising speed
Editing base ownership, and editing random job targets?
3D Model Showroom