Oh hey, Dark Angel, thankyou. I can deffinetaly use large ships. If you want to jump on an instant messanger we can work out the details.
I deinetaly like the idea of putting the entire ship’s information in the info cards. That way when you jump in a ship that you haven’t seen before you can look up the data and you can se what mod it’s from, who made it, and all the neet little things about it.
Edit: I thought about what I said in another post about hyper balancing the sci-fi ships to what they origenaly were designed to be like, I think I will turn FL-PVP into a “nascar” sorta. In the idea of keeping all the data complete and to it’s true form from each creator. That way when you fly the ship, use the weapons, and read the info card data, it all points to it’s origen. Kinda like “sponcers” of the product. Hope that gets across the way I’m trying to say it.
Sent you a PM 🙂