Sounds like an AntiVirus-issue to me…
Do you have an extra AV installed ?
Sounds like an AntiVirus-issue to me…
Do you have an extra AV installed ?
Hallo @boomer
Ich habe in ENIGMA V4 ATG bereits erfolgreich einen “Cargo-Extender” im Einsatz: Funktioniert via Item/Commodity mit “minus-Volume”. Dabei ist es in MEINEM Fall eine kaufbare bzw. via crafting herstellbare “Ware” die -200 Volume hat. Zusätzlich habe ich einen “Decay” eingesetzt, der die Haltbarkeit auf 2 Stunden begrenzt. Das ganze geht natürlich auch mit montierbaren Items… Nachteil für MICH: montierbare Items benötigen einen Slot (wie z.B. eine Panzerung) UND lassen sich daher reparieren (heisst, man könnte mein erwünschtes Haltbarkeits-feature umgehen) Das ganze habe ich via FlHook “nicht-dropbar” und “nicht-transferierbar” gestaltet. Problem bei WAREN: Beim Spieler-zu-Spieler-Handel geht der Extender verloren, weil der Frachtraum von FL nach dem Abschluss des Handels anscheinend neu berechnet wird, und DABEI plötzlich keine Waren mit negativem Volumen akzeptiert/berücksichtigt werden. <- Für dieses Problem kann ein erfahrener Coder sicherlich einen HEX-Hack finden… allerdings habe ich mich darum seither nicht gekümmert. Die beschriebene Methode funktioniert aber hier sonst hervorragend.
Vllt kann dir das weiterhelfen…
Herzliche Grüsse
P.S.: Evtl. noch als Info:
Wenn der Extender “abgelaufen” ist, bleibt die überschüssige Ware trotzdem erhalten, bis sie verkauft oder gedropped wird.
Speaking of DirectX…
I can remember an odd way to “fix” some problems with Freelancer… but I can´t actually remember what kind of issue it was back then. Anyways I startet the DirectX install that comes with the original FL-CD (I guess it was Version 9) ALTHOUGH I had a more recent DX-Version already installed… The Install started and prompts that there is a newer one already running … after exiting the DX-Install the Freelancer-issue was gone. Sure… this is a SHOT IN THE DARK… but maybe you´ll try it anyways.
I totaly agree with robocop.
This sound very much like a hardware issue rather than a Freelancer related problem. I NEVER experienced a total lockdown or BSD-crash with Freelancer… only the Game itself crashed 2 or 3 times in the last 3 or more years due to (whats most common) a corrupted save-file or incorrect data-syntax while modding …
But… anyways… when you try to track down the error:
Firstly it would be very helpful for you to know how much load the game produces on your CPU and of course more interesting your GPU.
Since i am convinced your hardware is way more than capable to handle this oldtimer game easily, i would have an eye on temperatures of the Hardware while gaming… Maybe its in fact a lot of dust and accumulations on the cooling-units of your hardware. But these are just my 2 cents…
Holy Moses… folks
I sometimes do live-streaming (Twitch) and found a hilarious bug in Freelancer. As long as the Streaming-Software (OBS-Studio) is running (doesn´t have to be broadcasting at all) the ingame-refresh-rate is rock-solid at 60 FPS (I caped them via hacks) But when its turned OFF, i have those “random” drops to ~50 FPS (after a minute or so regardless of being in space or sitting on a base) and they stay down there… God only knows why !!!
Is there anybody out there who´s able to tell me the answer to THIS
Greetings J.R.
Edit 1:
Tested a couple of tweaks already: It doesn´t seem to make a difference if the FPS-limit is set to a higher rate… the drop to ~50 FPS remains. V-sync ON or OFF… even removing the hacks or applying the “fix” mentioned above doesn´t make ANY difference. Fact: As long as OBS-Studio is running, the frame-rate doesn´t drop at all. Without OBS the issue is imminent after ~30-50 Sec…
Edit 2:
Same effect appears when using RTSS and “limit” the FPS for Freelancer to 60 in the “RivaTuner Statistics Server”. NO FPS-drops… This is getting more and more odd…
Think this section is the wrong place for this topic… but anyways:
Check this out:
You´re welcome mate.
And… NO !
Freelancer runs happily even on Windows 64Bit-OS´s more recent than XP… like Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 and 10 if you follow the steps and hints in my linked post (above).
Its very unlikely that these tips/steps won’t help you to become a “Freelancer One-Dash-One” again… so have fun and welcome back from “the dark side”.
SWAT_OP-R8R wrote:
one thing to mention about windows 10… you need to use the no-cd Freelancer.exe as win10 misses the drivers required for the copy protection of the original game.
Good point mate… I´ll add this to the linked post
Actually you don´t need another “outdated” System to play Freelancer.
Check this out:
The MultiUniverse-plugin works perfect on my server.
(check out the list in the first post of this topic)
But the hack… (I believe it was a “proof of concept” by Adoxa) for mounting/unmounting equipment in space has a MAJOR downside iirc… It requires a RELOAD of the character ! Thats why i droped it instantly…
P.S.: The list above contains only a few plugins and MY experiences with “how to” … regarding serverside/clientside needed files and ini-settings.
I´ll post this, because there are plenty of poeple out there
in need for hints or solutions when it comes to issues with Freelancer on WIN 10. Be advised, that the following steps should work as well on all other “x64” OS´s (like WIN 7 and WIN 8 / 8.1) :
Important Note:
Every Install SHOULD/MUST be done with the right-click option: “run as administrator” !!!
DO NOT install the original game in the pre-defined Folder "…/Program Files(x86)…) NEVER ! NO NO NO ! Just… DON´T !
Choose another location instead. (maybe another hard-drive would be a good solution too and should always do the trick to avoid incompatibility-issues)
Example: “D:/Freelancer” or “D:/Old-GAMES/Freelancer”…
Activate/Install the Windows Legacy component: “DirectPlay” in your System-Settings ! This is VERY IMPORTANT !
Otherwise Freelancer WILL NOT RUN on WIN 10 (and other more recent OS than WIN-XP).
Install the official MS-Patch called “1.1” to avoid issues when it comes to Multiplayer-Account-creation and other minor bugs of the first release.
and run it as administrator as well.
You NEED to use the no-cd Freelancer.exe, as Win10 misses the drivers required for the copy protection of the original game.
download :
and place the .exe-file in your …/Freelancer/EXE-Folder
Ignore the “warning-message” regarding a non-supported Grafics-card. This is NOT an issue that keeps Freelancer from running properly on newer Systems. (A fix for this can be found here at the Forums of TSP anyways)
and place the .txt-file in your …/Freelancer/EXE-Folder
MAKE SURE that Freelancer and its components are not getting blocked or deleted by any Anti-Virus / Anti-Malware-Software.
If you like to play Freelancer in ONLINE-mode you´ll have to give permission to the required components of Freelancer.
(Your Firewall SHOULD ask you how it is supposed to handle the Internet-traffic of those components.)
If crashes occur right after the Intro-Movies:
DELETE the File: “Restart.fl” in your “My Documents/My Games/Freelancer” Folder-structure. Sometimes the problem is also caused by a broken / corrupted save-file from other game-sessions as well.
So, in the first place: copy your old save-files elsewhere, and keep the “My Games”-Folder clean (or even better: DELETE IT) when starting up a fresh install.
Sometimes the “run as Administrator” or the “compatibility-mode Windows XP (SP2/SP3)” is required for “Freelancer.exe” to run properly.
For further help and “troubleshooting”, please feel free to contact me.
You can check this file:
But i doubt this will be any help in this case.
good night folks
J.R. out…
I found something that “can” be helpful… depending on your Hardware.
What is your “native desktop resolution” ?
I heared that this CAN cause issues while detecting GFX-cards.
If it is like a 1920x1080 , then try to set this to a 1024x768 (just for test purposes)
Additional open up “…/myGames/Freelancer/PerfOptions.ini” (if exists) and set:
size= 1024, 768
color_bpp= 32
depth_bpp= 24
Reboot with this setting and THEN try to fire up Freelancer…
Its just a shot in the dark… ´cause I´m running out of options… sorry
So it seems to be a major issue with your system.
You´d better restore the original Install as I said earlier and go on checking for the correct Hardware/Driver-setup of your PC.
1. Fact: The original Install of your Game should be ok. Since the problem remains the same.
2. Fact: The GFX-card seems not to be detected correctly due to some System-settings. (Maybe another driver can do the trick… or maybe another GPU on the CPU / Mainboard is occupied aswell and gets detected ?)
Thats all I can do for now… sorry mate… at least I tried…
Good luck… and maybe you report in when you´ve finally found a fix/solution for this.
There is one thing to try… just to be save that this issue is caused by your hardware/driver-settings … or by the Freelancer-install itself.
Install my mod (just for a test) and try if it runs.
To do so just download the installer on my Homepage ( and run it as Admin.
The installer should offer you an option to make a backup of your original Install. Please DO IT ! Continue after that with the “compatibility-check”. The next page should offer you a “download-button” and after you downloaded it, an automatic-install of the mod. (sorry all in german language)
After you completed the Mod-install, try to fire up the game as usual. A Mod-Launcher appears which looks similar to the installer (only with a more colorful background-picture).
Do the compatibility-check and see if you can start enigmav4… If so, then there is something wrong with your original install.
If not, then… hmmm… i´m out of options…
To get back your old version of your install, fire up the INSTALLER again and go to the “Hilfe” Tab on the upper left.
There is an option to restore the backup you created in the first steps. (second-last option)
Ok… thx for the reply.
This seems to be a major issue with the Graphics… maybe we can get the game started by skipping the Intro-Movies:
Disable the Startup movies in the “EXE/freelancer.ini” like this:
;movie_file = movies\MGS_Logo_Final.wmv
;movie_file = movies\DA_Logo_Final.wmv
;movie_file = movies\FL_Intro.wmv
If this doesn´t help, there´s only one thing left to try…. (at least from my side) but lets check this option first…
Here´s a config-data-base which should fix your graphics-card issue/warning.
PLS extract this into Freelancer/EXE-Folder…
I´m now trying to hunt down the Problem of yours… since we didn´t have any issues to run Freelancer on WIN 10-systems as long as you follow these steps:
1. Deinstall all previous installs of Freelancer.
If still existing:
2. Delete all remaining Files and Folders of the game-Location manually.
3. Delete “User/mydocuments/mygames/freelancer” folder.
4. (Maybe do a registry-clean with CCleaner or such)
After all this do a clean reboot of the PC.
5. Do a clean “vanilla” install on a partition or drive which is NOT home of your OS !!!
AND try to install the DirectX-Version which comes with the original Copy of Freelancer (Theres a Folder on the CD)
(If prompted do a reboot after that.)
6. Install the OFFICIAL Patch of MS called 1.1 (although this doesnt change the version number to 1.1 it fixes some major bugs regarding account-creation and such)
7. Make sure to enable the Win-system-features “DirectPlay” AND “NET.Framework 3.5” (Install it if missing)
8. Replace “Freelancer.exe” with the NO-CD-Patch Version.
9. Make sure that no Anti-Virus or Firewall is blocking or deleting any Game-Content/Files or functions.
10. Try to start the game AS IS (no compatibilty-mode but AS ADMIN) and see how far you can get.
Please report in after that and we can try something else… (just for testing purposes)
Hurray… hack works like a charm !
Thank you Xalrok. You realy made my day…
Thanks for the nice hint Xalrok.
I did a search through the forums, but for some reason i didn´t stumble over this…
Very much appreciated !
I´ll try this hack and report in, after tests.
Hello folks.
I´ve been fiddling with horizontal oriented Tradelanes for a while. (left and right rings, instead of upper and lower)
So here is the Problem:
Lets say the first Tradelane i enter ingame is a standard one.
The activation-sequence and tunnel-animation will be displayed even on the other (horizontal model) so the tunnel and such is out of place. Even the NPCs use the standard upper and lower lane, although there are rotated to the left and right side in the second Tradelane they entered.
I already created an ADDITIONAL “basic_trade_lane_eq(_90)” in select_equip.ini to have a different appear of these lanes.
Tested this with the result:
The second type of animation will be displayed, when the “fist used” Tradelane calls this. After that, the other type of TL which calls the standard animation displays NONE of it.
With this in mind i assume:
If I use both Types of TLs in the game the “first used” animation-type will be displayed even on the other type of TLs (when using the same animation-call).
So it seems to be impossible to have both types of TLs without issues.
Is there a known way to prevent or fix this ?