In ENIGMA V.4 ATG we are using the “88FlakAIWingmenProject”-method to provide “Wingmen-Support” to the Players.
Since the “Leader” of these NPC-wings is set invisible via the cloak effect, I actually found the cause of this problem lately by uncloaking them.
So here it is:
Since the "mission_property " of the follow-trigger-ship is set to “can_use_berths” it actually does block the ports and leave it wide open for sometimes a long period of time because: THEY DON´T ACTUALLY DOCK AND DISAPEAR like other random NPCs.
I “solved” a good amount (not all) of these blocking-probs by setting the mission_property of the follow-trigger-ship (and others) to “can_use_med_moors”.
Warning: Can break your Mod regarding Wingmen-Groups when their patrol_paths do not end or start at a dockable base with “medium mooring” dockpoints.
Don´t know if this is of any use for others, but I just thouhgt I let u know where issues are from… at least in my case…