Skotty. wrote:
You could do it the same way as the wrecks in FL were made. Use/create a Fuse that makes it drop all its loot and give it healthpoints. If you want to make it hidden you can make it a NON_TARGETABLE solar with destructible = true. People won’t recognize it until they actually destroyed the asteroid.
Vital wrote:
You can make it some kind of NON_TARGETABLE depot with asteroid archetype and invisible cargopods, try to make appropriate fuses so that the more players hit the asteroid - the more cargo will gradually come out…
And look through Adoxa’s plugins
Both of these are sort of what I was thinking about. Will report back once I start fiddling with some actual asteroid fields, since I need to tackle the asteroid field and exclusion fields before I can put the rest into practice 😛
Yeah, I am green 😛