robocop wrote:
doesn’t adoxa offer an eagle package as a new player in story mode on his site…?
Yeah, he does. Here it is:
That’s not really what I want though. It’s hard to explain, but I’ll try. Below is what I am trying to accomplish, and I have already been successful with some very minor exceptions:
When I finish the story mode in retail Freelancer, I keep playing until I reach a point where I have done everything that there is to do (I can explain what that means in greater detail if you want)… When I reach that point, I sometimes feel like starting the story mode again and I usually wish that I could start with absolutely everything that I just finished working hard to obtain - and the stuff I have and the ship that I have can be different every time I reach that point where I feel that I’ve done everything that can be done. I mean, I reach a point where the only thing left to do is to keep making more and more money. How boring! All hidden wrecks are looted, I have all the best weapons, all of the Nomad weapons, I have the best of everything - and I’ve mapped absolutely every single system and every single base and every single jump hole. So why not start the story mode again? 
I achieved exactly what I wanted, but it’s not perfectly identical to what I had envisioned. What I am doing presently is, I start the story mode over and I wait until I get to accept Juni’s offer. Then I accept her offer, exit the game, and then I edit this first game save so that I have everything that I worked so hard to obtain. Then I load the game up and launch to space to meet King.
What I was hoping for was that I could just click New Game and then not have to worry about inserting all of my money and my ship and its equipment and its cargo later. I was even hoping to see my ship and its equipment in the Equipment Room when meeting Juni in there. I was also hoping to see my ship and its equipment when meeting King out in space, but I learned how to do that recently (except, I haven’t actually tried it yet). I still don’t know how to change which ship is displayed in the Equipment Room when meeting Juni in there. I don’t want my ship with its default loadout either. I want Juni to be offering me my ship with MY stuff on it. hehe
It’s not a huge deal though; that’s really more just for a bit more realism or something. What I have achieved so far is so good enough for me that I’m almost about to say, “Nah… I think I’ll just keep doing it this way. It’s incredibly easy.” I mean, once the battle begins after meeting King in space, my goal is met 100% anyway: I have my ship and all my stuff and all of my money - I have everything that I previously worked very hard to obtain.
I will keep working on this though. It looks like Sky-Blazer’s guide might get me there, if I want to do all that work. My way is very easy though:
First, before starting a new game, I edit “Restart.fl” so that I have all of my money. I am aware that if Restart.fl isn’t in the save games folder, then a new one is generated using newplayer.fl in the EXE folder. So, I’m aware that I would have to change that one if Restart.fl didn’t exist for some reason.
Then, I edit two files: m01a.ini and loadouts.ini. In m01a.ini, I change “Act_SetShipAndLoadout = ge_fighter, msn_playerloadout” to be “Act_SetShipAndLoadout = ge_fighter6, msn_playerloadout” (so, I simply change ge_fighter over to ge_fighter6). I found that if I don’t edit that line, then I won’t have my ship, not even immediately after meeting King - when the battle begins. Instead, it will be the Starflier outfitted as best as possible with 3 of my guns.
In loadouts.ini, I change the loadout for “nickname = msn_playerloadout”. I don’t change “archetype = ge_fighter” to be something like “archetype = 2702011459” for the Eagle. That doesn’t work as well. So instead, I use “ge_fighter06”. Underneath that, I just copy/paste everything that I have for equipment and cargo (copied from my most recent save, which is almost always just Auto Save because I use bases or jump gates or jump holes to save instead of using the in-game menu).
Editing “msn_playerloadout_faux” in the loadouts.ini file doesn’t affect which ship is shown when I meet King, but it DOES affect that ship’s loadout. Like, I made both “msn_playerloadout” and “msn_playerloadout_faux” identical including changing “ge_fighter” over to “ge_fighter06”, and I could see that the 3 gun mounts had my Nomad Energy Cannons (and whatever else will fit on that ship, like a Countermeasure dropper, mine dropper and I think even a Cruise Disruptor launcher).