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  • Deutsches Tutorial Forum
    23 Topics
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    Hi Boomer,

    du meinst deinen Post hier:

    und insbesondere Antwort #5 von Skotty. Der Bini Code, den er nutzt, ist tatsächlich von mir und kannst du ruhig verwenden.

    Wenn ich mal wieder mehr Zeit habe, werde ich einige Pascal Sachen für FL auf Github stellen.

  • Alles über Freelancer - auf deutsch!
    82 Topics
    640 Posts

    Thanks for the information you shared. WhatsApp Aero is a modified version of WhatsApp that offers more features than the original app. It was created by a group of developers not affiliated with WhatsApp

  • Generelles Modding Forum
    14 Topics
    78 Posts

    Hallo Skotty,

    danke schön für Deine freundliche Hilfe

  • Meet other Freelancers speaking your custom language ;)
    9 Topics
    87 Posts

    Kardesim o kadar isterim ki ama malesef korkunc yorucu ve yogun bir isim var. kendime zaman zor kalıyor.

    ama burada su yazdığın seyler bile beni o kadar mutlu etti ki. Ulkemde bu oyunu bilen, deger veren, gelistiren herkes benim ozelimde altın kıymetindedir. o nedenle pmden cepleri alalım. hatta bir platformda bir araya gelip size katkı icin neler yapabiliriz onları konusalim, projelendirelim bahsettigin isi.

    bu mod islerine malesef sizler kadar hakim degilim ben sadece hd olanı kurdum baska bir alt yapi kurulu değil ama zamanla öğrenirim sizden.

  • Merry Christmas!

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    20 Posts

    happy Festivus

  • Captain Beefheart Dead At Age 69

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    Don’t forget Cowboy Bebop, the excellent music from the animé series about bounty hunters in a Freelancer-like universe.

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    Thanks for the suggestion NeXoSE, and for guarding my budget DVD Man 😄 but atm I have no desire to get a new phone (although I was impressed by the iPhone I saw a few months ago, but I’m not really into those things. I think I’ll wait until they give 'em away for free).

    Besides, getting here by phone would mean I have to type over code instead of copying-and-pasting it. I am way too lazy and/or chaotic for that.

    Btw, I’m still here. The ISP guy told me to reset my modem and I haven’t done that yet, so I’m still not 100% sure of my connectivity fate. But as my connection is working fine, I shall refrain from touching the modem until something urges me. Maybe I am getting the better package now for the price of the cheaper one. Even if I cannot benefit (because the network doesn’t suppoert it), that still means I’m getting a free ride now!

  • Why is 'Murder' so popular

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    2 Posts

    LancerSolurus wrote:
    Why is murder so popular in current games? I have my own ideas about why it is (no repercussions for one) but I would like to hear your thoughts…

    Murder Moive’s side effect i believe. And i guess a other reason is, human is complex, no one can sure they are safe.

    As for me, i hate people still trying to kill other people for cash etc, so in my mod i set some other life style like hunting or exploring for experiment.

  • 0 Votes
    26 Posts

    FriendlyFire wrote:
    I know that.

    If you understand the chemistry, then what are you arguing about? 🙂 Or, if not really arguing then I misunderstood. Anyway, here is further explanation, just in case:

    Silicon and arsenic are poison to humans, but they might be a normal part of a Horta’s diet.

    SiO2 is stable, on Earth, at STP, in absence of catalysts, but that does not mean that it is inert. The same could be said of C02. But it does not really matter to our previous discussion because these are molecules rather than elements.

    Consider chlorine and sodium. They are both extremely reactive and toxic, but sodium chloride (table salt) is both stable and a required part of our diets. The molecules have very different properties than the elements themselves.

    The reason that semiconductors work is because of the magic of valence-four elements. They react with just about anything except for Group 18 elements. While the reactivity of carbon and silicon is low, they are far from inert.

    The NASA announcement proves that our previous notions of “life” are wrong. It was widely believed that life required carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur. Now we know, for certain, that other chemistries can also work.

    This opens the door to the possibility of life in other temperatures, gravities, light, radiation, and atmospheric environments. The big deal here is that it means that universe could be teaming with life, although it might not be anything like terrestrial life.

    In other words, what is “toxic” to you may not be toxic at all to a Horta… or to other alien life forms.

    Le malheur des uns fait le bonheur des autres, non?

    @Moohhead: Yes, the Horta analogy fits NASA’s announcement perfectly. As for my nickname, I answered, and gave you the entire story. You never responded. Check your PMs from several months ago.

  • Anyone here play LOTRO?

    0 Votes
    8 Posts

    FL’s original intent was as a RPG… there are still many things in game that reflect this (rep system) it was just nuttered at the last moment and forced into being an (urgh…) Adventure game (a poor mans RPG really).

    Chips… i have no idea the size of the dll… i installed from a coverdisk but that was a 2 sided dvd… so i’d estimate well over the 3g mark… maybe 6g… i may be totally wrong (but the unpacked client is freakishly huge…)

    & yep… it gets my full reco, if you like LOTR that is… what it “isn’t” is warcraft/Aion or any other plastic RPG that draws “pwners” … were getting a few at the moment… due to the worldwide f2p release… but they scarcely make it to lvl20… or have many friends after there initial “I wntz my tnk to pwrlvz so im badass” chat… and quickly get added to every decent players ignore list.

    It is however a very evil game… that will make you think about it WAY to much when your not ingame… but that’s the nature of MMO’s im told 8-)

    & no… it’s not the reason i haven’t released the new XLR wolfie… that’s cuz of the silly other RPG game we all live in… called RL (hate that game…) 😛 my nets being a ripe a$$ and im waiting for it to stop being a right a$$ and upload more than 50mb before failing… give it a few days… it’s done this before 🙂 silly 3rd rate “cheapest option” infrastructure of Oz… geesh

    EDIT: (for chips) Its quite similar to what we “know” chips… missions taken… loot acquired… sell… rinse and repeat… there is a whole bevy of sidetracking things to do… crafting for one (you get to make yer own gear!!) and they have this evil point earning system for the f2p players (and non f2p) that rewards you with ingame points to spend at the ingame (can anyone say “cash cow”) store… earning TP is what will be on your mind as you grind it out… as that unlocks quest packs and many more groovy things… ( a subscriber gets 500 TP a month… the free guys have to grind for them…)

    There is a rather long “policy statement” but it mainly reffers to character naming conventions… and i see it broken every second player i pass… It was setup so as every player had a propper middle earth type name… but now the lack of enforcement is being abused… i mean REALLY abused… there are rules… but most (as in a good mod) are enforced via the gameplay rather than Admins (which i have never seen one… at all) swinging the banhammer… there is no outward PvP… you can spar… and there’s a PvP “section” of the game that at this time is only for paid members (darn good idea really) as we’d have 1000 little Nazgul wannabe’s pwning everyone otherwise… its PvE mainly… and the “E” is wild enough and fun enough.

    So yeah… not many rules… and the rules that exist are being totaly ignored anyways… the peeps arching up over violations is increasing… but i believe it’s not in Turbines $$ interests to do anything about it in the near foreseeable future… but that’s why there’s that big bad red IGNORE button… i for one have used it 2wice but as not often as i thought i would.

  • Final fantasy benchmark

    0 Votes
    15 Posts

    FriendlyFire wrote:
    Hey, at least it isn’t Pokémon yet 😛

    Get out.

    Pic related, they’re my PokeTeams

    From GSC

    Primary team from DPP

    Secondary team from DPP

  • Wake up after drunk

    0 Votes
    4 Posts

    Mines are your friend. 🙂

  • How the Offset hack "overthrow" game

    0 Votes
    9 Posts

    Released from work and go back, reupload the last video.

    adoxa got right, do the hack will make NPC use countermeasure droper. And about the Timer hack, i got windfall – As you see, you can dock to station while doing a mission.

  • HOW??? How do you rendering such this??????

    0 Votes
    12 Posts

    cinema 4d and maya have also quite advanced rendering capabilities. at least lightwave (i’d expect maya to have one, too, though it might be somewhat too luxurious for our needs) has a separate program for rendering only… maybe efficient as you can save all the models separately and use only the ones you need in each scene you want to animate whether for a frame image only or a whole video.

  • If u were writing FL2, what would u add?

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    55 Posts

    w0dk4 wrote:

    As regards this has never been done before, do you live under a rock? 😉
    Meanwhile, I know a dozen of games that mix FPS with RTS elements. The oldest game being Allegiance by Microsoft Research (

    Very interesting w0dk4, I guess I was living under a rock because, I never knew of this before and can’t see how I’ve missed it? Thanks for posting this link. I think I will look into this a bit further. 🙂

    Thanks again,


  • My new toy - the Celestron 130EQ telescope

    0 Votes
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    I mean girlfriend loves modding stuff… 🙂

    And this telescope… This is my first telescope and i tried to spy buildings by it and got petty good view… I’m waiting for clear sky to see the stars.:D

  • 0 Votes
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    The infamous green caps. There is actually two colors to watch for, the green ones and the golden brown ones. Green ones are commonly used in LCD tvs and computer motherboards. The golden brown ones are normally found in PSUs.

    The pic that Helloween posted is exactly what I meant, the tops are bubbled. What causes it is due to the wrong electrolytic formula. The ones thjat pop are usually made from the formula that was stolen from the US in 1999 (industral espionage), problem is that formula was intentionally screwed up just in case someone got ahold of it. The bad part is the ones who stole it are responsible for all of the bad caps in the Eastern Asian electronic products….

    Here is a linky if you wish to know more
    Capacitor Plague

    BTW, Im an electronic tech, been dealing with this problem a long time. Counter to what the wiki article states, they are still making and distributing these caps in lots of electronic equipment. I’ve replaced plenty in 2010 LCD tv’s.

  • The worlds first Klingon Opera

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  • Shattered Worlds - War Torn Forum

    0 Votes
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    In the server description wrong link

  • Jumpgate Evolution

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    Well you could always contribute to my project. I did a test tonight to see how hard it would be to pimp out a FL ship, about 30 minutes for the Liberty Dreadnaught.

    What you are about to view can’t be done yet in the FL engine (may change with W0dk4’s work)


  • Dark Orbit - Isn't it a Prison Liner?

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    3 Posts

    But they don’t show it up in the ad to “impress” people with “their own creations” because they didn’t create it.
    In this ad they show up a ship they didn’t invent, but got the ides from the Prison Liner which appears in Freelancer.
    I don’t say its a crime, I just say its wrong to take ideas from other games, even if they concider as “dead”.

  • Programmers wanted

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    Thats good to hear. It was originally started on it and it should have come with those old VC6 project files.

    I may also be going thru the file io and utf loader and convert the arrays to dynamic ones. Been working with them over the past few days and getting the hang of using them. Using them for the script loader in my game engine and it seems pretty stable.

  • Elton John concert

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    Yeh I like his music but I’m not into raging poofters, especially ones who “marry” men, nor the bent society that lets them.

    Bring on the 3rd Symphony! Or is it 4th? 5th? uh… whose, anyway? uh…
