[Latest] Join our Server Ring!
This is a call to all Server Admins!
If you have a server and like our site, we would be very happy for you to join our Server Ring! In order to do so, send me (FriendlyFire) a PM with the following information:
Small banner of 88px wide by 31px high
Short server name (ie the one you use generally)
Long server name (ie the one you see in FL’s server list)
Large banner (anything larger than 468px will be resized down)
Server IP address (provide port if different from default, 2302)
Server physical location
Website address
Mod(s) running, if any
Administrator(s), if wanted
A description of your server, whatever you want it to be
You MUST provide a small banner, your short server name and your server IP to become a part of the ring. Anything else is optional. We highly suggest you provide a description and your website, too.
We hope to see you in soon! We will also be creating a code block soon for any server willing to display the ring or a banner to The Starport.
The Starport Team