Caphip Tumbling
Just in case anyone is interested, I stumbled on a setting that makes my large ships nearly immune to being knocked around. nearly because cruising into an asteroid still knocks me about but other ships m wont
linear_drag = 100000.000000
mass = 550000.000000
steering_torque = 190000.000000, 190000.000000, 90000.000000
angular_drag = 2900000.000000, 2900000.000000, 2900000.000000
rotation_inertia = 10000.000000, 10000.000000, 10000.000000and u need to set ship type to FREIGHTER, not sure why this works but if you dont you will roll when turning.
you will have to adjust the engine thrust to make the ship move the speed you want. i would advise against fast speeds or you will slide all over hehe. i hope this helps
Well there’s more to it than this, if you want to know more…
Enjoy the next hour’s reading!
Thank you, now i wont have to use the same setting on all of the ships hehe. and to think i worked for nealry 4 hrs to come up with what i had. (feels humbled)
tried the values of the first post with the result that my capship acting very weird (as it wouldnt know where it wants to fly to)
tried the tutorial but still have spinning battleships
is there a requirement to change the inertia of the surs?
I think foxunit recently posted about the constants, which will effect the tumbling
Not sure, which of those has to be set to what:[PhySysConsts]
MATERIAL_FRICTION(no access 2 that info atm - i ll look it up l8r))
The last flak88 FLHook 1.6.1 seems to include
a feature to stop those spinning cap ships.update
MATERIAL_FRICTION = 0.600000 ;—friction eats inertia
MATERIAL_ELASTICITY = 0.150000 ;----less bounce
MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_COLLISIONS = 0.250000 ;—don’'t ‘‘freak out’’ in asteroid fields -
ok - ill test that this afternoon
i hope it finally can be fixed
thx -
tested it using the values of flak
even there is spinning but its less…
i used the ship stats + constants + a sur based on the ship mass -
Thank you, now i wont have to use the same setting on all of the ships hehe. and to think i worked for nealry 4 hrs to come up with what i had. (feels humbled)
No don’t feel that way, you did good all alone. Just that we’ve been through this before already, using math formulae and real dynamics stuff - and got less hair to prove it!
tested it using the values of flak
even there is spinning but its less…
i used the ship stats + constants + a sur based on the ship massThe rotation_inertia must be between 10% and 20% of the angular_drag or the ship will either oscillate or spin madly.
The torque divided by the drag gives the turn rate in radians per second.
There is a mass/drag coefficient which is different for each size (category) of ship. I calculated the ones for the standard FL ships (fighter, heavy fighter, very heavy fighter, gunship, cruiser, destroyer, battleship, dreadnought) and used those in the equation for each ship type of mine. I made and used an Excel spreadsheet with lookup tables, just enter the ship mass, ship type, and the handling I want (lively = *1.1/ normal = *1.0/ sluggish = *0.9) and it works out the values for me based on the ship mass and the coefficients for the ship type. Remember the Z axis values are different for some ships too. The formulae I used are in the tutorial if you want to use the same ones - it’s not perfect but a lot better and the ships are proportional in handling now too.
If you change the constants.ini values they will affect the behaviour dramatically too, especially the elasticity, angular_damping and friction - I left these at their standard values.
yeah ive used the 15% rotation value like you suggested and did have standard constants during those tests
the ship remains stable when you collide but if somehow starts to spin when you are very close without “touching it”
dunno why -
… ever tried 2 ram a orbiting solar with a Starflyer. ;D
it starts to rotate much faster
the physics in FL are a joke -
Interia and bouncyness can be controlled via the sur OP, open it up in FlModelTool and look about for the values iirc the higher the values the less bouncy it is when it collides weith something. not sure about the interia (its been a while since i looked into it hehe)
atm i use those values:
InertiaX : 176148.926 InertiaY : 187902.069 InertiaZ : 32731.731
still the same
hmm, i would ask LS but i dunno if he will remember lol XD (it was him who told me in the first place)
Well I have had less problems since I use the ship mass in the sur for the 3 inertia values, and not the actual inertia - but then they need to be in proportion for all of the ships in a mod including any vanilla FL ships that are in the mod, so that collisions with other ships are correctly calculated. So far I have not been able to see where the inertia values in the standard ships surs are taken from, they are too small it seems to me.
Someone recently wrote in a sur tutorial (I forgot where I saw it) that they use the dimensions from MilkShape for the model’s furthest vertex in each direction (if it’s negative they still write it as positive) - i.e absolute max height, absolute max width and absolute max depth of the ship model from the origin. But I haven’t had the time to check this against any vanilla FL model. It needs to be done for sure.
The exception is when an NPC ship passes inside your ship - then it goes crazy irrespectively for a few seconds whatever settings I made, and I haven’t been able to spend the time to pinpoint the cause.
We do need to do these things to get better at ship stability and SUR reliability.