Freelancer Community Network - V 2.0
Freelancer Community Network - mutual link exchange
V 2.0 Notes:
Hi guys, we are going to be making some changes to the FLCN bar in the very near future. I have outlined the changes below for you to look through. We have made these changes based on community feedback and after much discussion between ourselves, The Starport Staff.
Please also note we have added a few additional guidelines also. We have added these guidelines to help promote the growth and stability of the FLCN moving forward.
-Remove the clan link on the bar itself and replace it with a server link. The clan list will still be visible in the drop down.
-Limit community sites/servers/clans to 6/12/3 links in the popup menu (all can be seen in the actual popup)
-Add “See more” links at the bottom of each list which open a popup with all the linksThe idea behind this is to set up a giant Freelancer community network where you can reach any Freelancer site from any other Freelancer site.
Guidelines & Instructions for being included in the FLCN;
To add your own site, you must have the Freelancer Community Network bar installed on your website.
It would be nice to have the network bar on any of your pages, but only displaying it on some sort of entry page is also sufficient. Note however that the linked site should not be a placeholder to only draw visitors to your site. The linked site should be frequented by your general page visitors as well!You ask why?
The main idea is to make the general visitor of the Freelancer Community aware of all the other great FL communities when visiting just one. This is an effort to unite the overall Freelancer Community, by simply establishing a “linked network”.
Any Freelancer related site will be included if it’s meeting the following requirements:- Site has the FL Community Network bar installed on a frequently visited page
- Site is related to Freelancer
- Site does not violate any laws and does not contain porn, etc… (use common sense here, we wont include questionable sites)
Added for V 2.0;
-Clans may not refer to the site on which they are based in their names; only tag and name is allowed.
-Clans need to have a dedicated site, not a sub-forum of the server they play on.
-Clans need at least 10 members registered on the forums to get in the bar.
-Servers need to have been running for 3 weeks or more to get in the bar.
-Community sites need to have existed for a month or more to get in the bar.
-Constant activity monitoring is performed and inactive sites can be removed after warning.Features:
The Community bar is hosted at The code you will include on your website will reference a javascript hosted on this site. This is necessary to always update any Network bar. This way, you only have to install the bar one time - after that you can forget about it.
The bar is featuring a drop-down menu when you hover over the Community Network image. It includes all the websites participating in the Community Network. There are 3 categories: General Community Links, Server/Mod Links, Clan Links.
Also, the bar features 5 random links on the right, 2 random links of General Community and 3 of Server/Mod.How to install:
If you are experienced, there are several ways to integrate the bar into your website, and you should know about them.
If you are not experienced, the simplest way to integrate it is by appending the following code after thetag.Note, there are currently 2 different designs featured, a “brightblue” and a “darkblue” one.
Example for bright blue: for bright blue:
| <a id="hoverover" style="cursor:default;" onmouseover="Show_fl_community_Popup(document.getElementById("flc_table"));" onmouseout="Hide_fl_community_Popup()"></a> | |
Example for dark blue: for dark blue:
| <a id="hoverover" style="cursor:default;" onmouseover="Show_fl_community_Popup(document.getElementById("flc_table"));" onmouseout="Hide_fl_community_Popup()"></a> | |
If you are having problems with the integration or if you want to suggest changes to the codes, please post in the Installation Troubleshooting thread.
You are obviously free to change the code to better fit in your webpage. It would also be wise to put the CSS stylesheet into the header of your website. For simplicity I put it directly next to the body code and so far it seems to work correctly with all browsers.
Also please respond if you want your link added, but please install the Network bar first.
If you think you really need a specialised design for your website (i.e. a yellow one), please respond. -
Creator: w0dk4
Updaters: w0dk4, Worfeh, FriendlyFire -
The Freelancer Community Network Bar (FLCNB) is now hosted on a new server, independent of Google and The Starport.
Change all references of to to we now have a special domain, there will be no need for you to update any URL in the future, even if we will change the FLCNB server.
The code in the first post has been updated.