Random ALE colors
In general, yes…
Write an exec that updates the relevant .ale files on the fly as FL is running.
Then change the FL and FLServer engines so that it re-reads the .ale files (and any other affected files) from time to time, maybe 3-4 times per second.
You can then easily expand this to have a dynamic economy (changing commodity prices) too! And many other functions!
That is my personal view. As for how? Dunno!!
Then stand by for a possible thick ear from Microsoft.
Do you perhaps want “set” randomness? I haven’t looked at FL or .ales in a LONG time now so I don’t remember how the color part of the ale looks but I know I made missile trails that would constantly change colors. Not totally random though, just I added more lines of varied colors and had really small time increments of like 0.00000500 and so on.
I think it would look like this sort of
1.00000000, 1.00000000, 0.50000000, 0.00005000
0.80000000, 0.50000000, 1.00000000, 0.00010000and so on. r,g,b,time
etc.I had alot of lines. But sorry, its not really “random”. You all probably know this anyways.