added on dkhive.warsforum.com
preffered name on FLCN list: -=|DKH|=- Clan
As the bar has been added to our forum @ www.blacklegion.forummotion.com, I request we are added to the list.
Preferred name: The Black Legion
EDIT: Gave wrong link.
Sorry, but I do not see the bar anywhere; therefore, we may not add you. Make sure you have added the code properly and test in multiple browsers. Additionally, I seem to have issues reaching your site at all…
On another note, it seems like TLR has stopped displaying the FLCN. Worfeh, any idea why?
Oh I gave you the wrong forum link. ::)
I’m the Second Admin of the Server. I’ve placed a bar on our site and am requesting that we are acknowledged on your list.
- Biohazard
I’m the Second Admin of the Server. I’ve placed a bar on our site and am requesting that we are acknowledged on your list.
- Biohazard
Is there anyway to alter how the Clan links are displayed? As this list is the longest it forces the dropdown box to become rather large and ‘in the way’
Would it be possible to tweak the bar so that when you move your mouse over ‘Community Network’ instead of seeing all the lists you see ‘General/Fan Sites’ , ‘Server/Mod Links’ and ‘Clan Links’ only? And they when you move your mouse over them the list then appears? Then only showing one list at a time?
I think it feels it has more impact with it in its current state Roo, If a new person was to hover over it and see three tiny lil links to sub menus itll be like bleh, but when you hover over it and se loads its like BAM ^^ just shows we are still here
make them feel part of something!
Depends on resolution of your screen I guess, not sure how it looks on a 1024x768 monitor but really it’s always best to develop for that size screen as it is usually the lowest any one internet user currently will use, and if it works on a screen as small as that it will work on anything higher too…
If hovering over it covers your screen then I guess it would be worth looking into - but if it’s just ‘big’ and you think it could be smaller then I believe the impact of the huge list outweighs the need for compactness
Yup… Roo AGAIN climbs back in his box.